View Full Version : Kidney worries HELP!

01-03-07, 16:08
Have had flank pain and been given painkillers by doc for what she thinks is probably kidney stones (blood in urine). Have to wait ages for scan and meanwhile I have been freaking out as to whether it could be something more sinister. The symptoms of stones can be similar to advanced kidney cancer and so, as you might imagine for someone who suffers from HA, I am freaking out here!! I have been taking really strong painkillers but for the past two days and have had chronic diorreaoh which has made me worry even more. Can anyone help/advise?

Kay x

01-03-07, 17:42

I'm sorry I can't be of much help as it's not something I know anything about. But I do know that if a doctor suspects something serious, you are fast tracked for tests. The fact that you have to wait ages, I know it's frustrating, but it's also a sign that your GP isn't too concerned.

The diarrohea could be a result of your anxiety, or it could be from the painkillers. Or it could be something completely separate, but I think we all like to add up our symptoms and come out with our own scary diagnosis.

When did you last see your GP? Did they prescribe the painkillers or are they over-the-counter ones?

I know that kidney stones are very painful so it does sound like it could well be that.

Sorry I can't help more, and I hope you're ok.

01-03-07, 21:06
Thanks for your reply Lass. Phoned Doc who said it could be pain killer suppositorie that has given me the runs (nice!). Also said that all symptoms point to stones. Still, when you have health anx, you don't have a lot of faith in the medical profession.

Kay x

Freaky Chick
02-03-07, 09:31
Hi Kay

I hope i can help put your mind at rest. I know something about kidney stones! I know several people who have suffered from them.

As i'm sure you already know - they are very very painful - The stone, although very small, most are a lot smaller than the size of the hole in a tiny button that you use to sew it onto the clothes with (it was the only thing small enough i could think of!) - but the tube they have to travel through to get out of the kidney is about the width of a human hair, maybe a little larger - so all the way through they scratch and stretch the little tube they are coming through, causing it to bleed just a little bit, (less than if you p***ked your finger with a needle), until it gets to the big collecting duct and then it gets into your bladder and goes out. unfortunately the blood gets into your urine quicker than the stone passes through the kidney, because urine can pass the stone and it picks up the blood and takes it with it. But it will stop once the stone is out - (though it can take a couple of days after its gone for the pain and blood to stop).

Unfortunately they do take time to come out. The chances of it being anything nastier is extreemly slim, as what you are most worried about is quite rare.

Suppositories do cause diahorrea and loose stools, because of where they go! unfortunately, they do have a tendancy to be messy, but if it helps with the pain that's good. Your doc will have given you those as they get to the site of the pain quicker and ease it.

I really hope i have helped put your mind at rest.

Have a big hug as well from me, cos it's not nice when you feel ill. ((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))):hugs:

Freaky Chick

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02-03-07, 21:20
Thanks Freaky, your post gave me more details than the flipping GP did! Am trying to calm down about it (with the help of a few diazipams) and just hope scan is forthcoming in the near future!

Thanks again,

Kay x