View Full Version : do i need to see a doctor for these chest pains?

24-02-16, 15:11
hello everyone i've been doing a lot better recognizing my anxiety and have felt pretty normal for a few days now. earlier today after dinner i had a horrible squeezing in my chest right above the heart, it felt super deep. hurt a lot. afterwards i felt a weird heartbeat and asked my roommate to feel it and as i was moving i had the worts sensation in my heart. like it was congested or not functioning normally, not palpitations are pounding heart like i've had with anxiety. i don't even know how to describe it but it was the worst thing and lasted for a few seconds. i chalked this up to anxiety and got back to my day.

i took a shower before i went to bed and sorry if this is tmi but during masturbating i had the normal racing heart but there was horrible chest pain traveling up to my neck inside and i had to stop, i felt like i was going to pass out or die it was horrible. i had chalked both of these things up to anxiety and didn't let it faze me.

my anxiety was getting better and better and then about an hour ago i went downstairs to get my sheets out of the dryer and as i was walking down i started getting a weird not quite electric or sharp but thats the closest i could say, electric pain in my heart. i said to myself this is just anxiety and kept on like usual. it got worse when i stopped moving and my hand was over my chest, still telling myself its anxiety and its nothing. when it came to the absolute worst pain i felt the area my hand was touching move, it felt like a vein that suddenly enlarged and moved really slowly. it sounds crazy but i could honestly feel a vein widen and move up to down (or down to up i can't even remember) i just felt something enlarge with the pain matching 100%

because of my anxiety in the past my parents don't believe me so when i told them they basically just said i could walk to emergency room for a test if need be. its also expensive from going to the doctors in the past. the only person i can rely on and has done extensive research on anxiety vs heart problems is my younger sibling and they said they don't even know if i'm fine this time because the symptom was so strange. i feel as though i've been doing well in terms of getting my anxiety under control (the fear is still there but i don't let it bother me anymore) but i have a feeling that this could be horrible timing as there's something wrong along with anxiety so no one believes me.

if anyone has any help i would appreciate it immediately. my sleeping pattern has been off lately so i eat dinner after i wake up, which is when the pain was. 30-1 hour. the pain i had was about an hour ago as i was about to go to sleep.

i am worried because i don't even know how to accurately describe the feeling and i felt like i was going to like collapse after. i asked my family if i was fine and started to panic after that (not the other way around) so if this post comes off as frantic it's because they said they honestly don't know this time. i'm 23

24-02-16, 15:50
From a previous post:

december i went to primary care for chest pain only to be told it was gastritis.....january i went to the er because i thought i was having a heart attack. had ekgs blood test x ray and everything came back fine. doctors said it was anxiety gave me ativan.

.......went to the er anyway trying to fight the thought and all tests came back normal other.

....i am a 22 year old male with a history of bad ocd and anxiety and depression.

2nd doctor said i had a slight murmur but it was harmless, said i could see a heart doctor for ecg but assured me the results would be fine.

So no, you don't need to see a medical doctor. Are you getting help for your mental health?

Positive thoughts

24-02-16, 16:21
From a previous post:

So no, you don't need to see a medical doctor. Are you getting help for your mental health?

Positive thoughts

yes i am therapist-shopping right now. i have done a lot of thinking and realized my panic spike-up was caused by coming back home to my parents after college. my dad was abusive when i was younger and it was traumatizing. not a healthy environment to be around. i am moving out and finding a therapist to help.

i am scared because the 2nd time i went to the doctor i asked are these tests really needed if i had them done a week ago and they said they had to as they're new symptoms...

i did some googling on this site and found a lot of people saying once they got over the anxious feeling they still had symptoms, or that the symptoms change whenever they get over them, which made me feel better until i read about heart attacks happening to young people on a few threads. going undetected and something about a throat pain which i'm worried about.

i'm just scared as that was a completely new symptom and i've never seen it on here at least to my awareness. it was actually in the left of the sternum over the heart. also because of the 3 things in one day even though i felt mostly normal.
the whole pain in chest radiating to neck / front of throat during an activity that raises the heart rate also scares me. i have a lot of bad ocd still which i was working on as my anxiety was finally manageable but the feelings feel different than ocd and told me something was going to happen if i did _______ and then i had all 3 pains.

is this still just anxiety?

i'm also scared because before college i had a bad cavity and went through all of college without fixing it as i didn't have my regular dentist around and now my tooth has rotted up past the gum line and i'm scared because i read about plaque causing heart disease and my tooth is so bad now... would the original tests have picked up anything?

i'm trying to get better so i can see a dentist asap but i have a fear of the dentist + this anxiety about chest pains so it makes it hard to muster the courage to set up an appointment. i'm also worried because before any of this happened i had an intrusive thought along the lines of you better fix your tooth now or else something horrible will happen and when i made the appointment they told me they were full for months...

24-02-16, 16:26
It could be straightforward indigestion. The first time I got that which was about 35 years ago I had an awful stabbing pain righ in the middle of my chest, the pain makes you panic so your heart goes haywire as well. the people I was with said it was probably indigestion but if I collapsed they would phone an ambulance ( said in fun) and after about 10 mins it went away but scared me stupid. Its usually caused by trapped wind. I also know of loads of people who have rushed to emergency with chest pain and its just been trapped wind in their stomachs.

As you have had chest pain in the past that has been put down to digestion then the chances are this is the same.

24-02-16, 16:48
It could be straightforward indigestion. The first time I got that which was about 35 years ago I had an awful stabbing pain righ in the middle of my chest, the pain makes you panic so your heart goes haywire as well. the people I was with said it was probably indigestion but if I collapsed they would phone an ambulance ( said in fun) and after about 10 mins it went away but scared me stupid. Its usually caused by trapped wind. I also know of loads of people who have rushed to emergency with chest pain and its just been trapped wind in their stomachs.

As you have had chest pain in the past that has been put down to digestion then the chances are this is the same.

i've had that before, after eating really spicy chinese food. that's what started me up about the chest pains originally, i would have anxiety attacks and google (horrible idea) for relief. everything i've googled is stuck in my brain.

this pain was different though which is worrying me. closer to heart than the sternum. that little edge on the inner pec i guess. it felt like if you have those sharp electric pains around your heart when you breathe in from muscle strain, but this was on my heart and wasn't caused by breathing which is pretty scary. also the whole feeling a vein moving thing is what worries me the most. i did have the indigestion pain a few days ago so it's nice to hear someone who has felt the same thing, not a good feeling. apple cider vinegar has helped with that a lot

24-02-16, 17:29
Having been around these forums for a while, I'm pretty good at recognizing when someone is not in a place where advice or reassurance is going to help... not that it helps anyway but...

I call it the "yeah buts" and that's essentially what every reply is. You acknowledge advice or reassurance and launch right back into your symptoms and how this time it's different when in reality it's not based on your post history. I think it's time you stop shopping for a therapist and actually decide on one. The sooner the better.

Positive thoughts

24-02-16, 18:38
Fishmanpa has a point.

Your stomach if full of wind can feel like something is pulsing or moving around or twitching.

Heart attack pains do not come and go quickly they stay and you get more and more ill, if your heart rythm is wrong then you pass out full stop.

I have super ventricular tachycardia which is not harmful but is unpleasant as my heartbeat can go from 70 beats per mintue to 170 beats per minute in a split second and this makes me go very very faint. I don't faint though and it passes in a matter of seconds, anything from 2 seconds to 20 seconds.

I still think you are experiencing either gastric pain or muscular tension type pains in chest due to anxiety.

If you can't be reassured then your only option is to go and see a Dr.