View Full Version : Spotting in between periods-please help!

25-02-16, 03:27
Hi, I'm a 20 year old woman and I've been on birth control pills for about 4 years. This makes it so I always know the exact day I'll get my period and then my period usually lasts around 6-7 days. My last period began on Feb. 8 and ended on the 15th.

Yesterday evening when I took my underwear off to change I noticed a lot of brown stains, but didn't think too much of it. This morning after using the bathroom I noticed I was having brown vaginal discharge or spotting. This has continued all day and I've had to wear a pad. This has never happened before, which is why I'm so worried.

I've never had a Pap smear, but I'm in a long-term monogamous so STDs basically impossible because he's been my only partner even and he's gotten tested (he's only had one other partner). I've also had the HPV vaccine, so cervical cancer is unlikely. However, I'm worried about some other cancer like uterine or ovarian cancer.

I saw an OBGYN today who didn't even do any tests or exams and she said it basically just happens sometimes. This didn't put my mind at ease at all. This is not a good enough explanation. This has never happened in the 4 years I've been on BC pills or even before I started on the pill. I also have mild cramping.

Please, please, please help. Any suggestions/advice/stories would be appreciated.

Update: Still spotting 7 days later...ugh

25-02-16, 04:51
Hi megs, this can happen spontaneously when you are on the pill or it may be just hormonal. Cramping pain suggests that it could be hormones. My daughter has had this going on for quite a while now and she is 30.

Where we live in New Zealand you can get a thin prep smear done as soon as you are sexually active, I don't know why this doesn't happen in the UK. I would go back to the Ob/gynae and demand a thin prep smear test, it is your right.

Please let us know how you get on. Take care Lesley

ps. Uterine cancer doesn't affect young women and most ovarian cysts are benign and don't cause bleeding. The pill keeps the uterine lining in check.

25-02-16, 05:18
Hi Lesley, thanks so much for the reply. I am actually in the U.S. and have never heard of thin prep smear test until now. The docs usually start doing Pap smears at age 21, and I turn 21 in a few weeks so I'll get one soon (or before then if I get too worried about this). Thanks for giving me some reassurance. The doc I saw today said I might have to increase the estrogen level of my birth control pills because if the levels are too low it can lead to this kind of spotting. She didn't seem worried, which should put me at ease but just made me think she missed something. You know how HA is.

How did you find out it was hormones with your daughter?

25-02-16, 05:38
Hi megs my daughter had been having a lot of cramping pain in the pelvic area for years and she wasn't on birth control pills.

She was having break through bleeding and periods that went on too long. Eventually she went to my gynae, had a scan etc and was diagnosed with endometriosis.

She's had 2 operations to clear it and the last time he inserted a special IUD, which keeps the hormone levels stable.

The gynae put her on the pill which usually stops endometriosis in it's tracks but it didn't work for my daughter. You could mention endometriosis to your gynae, but it doesn't sound like what you've got. L

15-03-16, 02:32
Update: stopped spotting finally thank goodness--after spotting for 20 days straight