View Full Version : Conflict with other people

Polar Bear
25-02-16, 09:39
I just can't get this right. Most of the time people walk all over me and I feel such a wimp for not standing up for myself. Now and again I try to make a small stand, have an argument and then feel guilty because I feel I've over reacted. Also feel afraid that things will escalate and something much worse is going to happen.

Anyone else have problems like this?

Would like to be like one of my neighbours who is great. Nice guy who would do anything for anyone but puts up with no nonsense from anyone.

My anxiety just stops me from being what I'd like to be. I hate it!

25-02-16, 19:37
I totally understand where your coming from !! I very rarely stick up for myself a lot of people say I just let people walk all over me .