View Full Version : Endsocopy it is!

25-02-16, 12:18
Hi all, long story short.....I had H Pylori almost two years ago and my stomach hasn't been right since, the HP came back within ten months now I've been referred for an endoscopy. I am beyond terrified :weep:

I'm scared of the procedure yes but more terrified of them finding cancer....especially as I've just lost two friends to stomach cancer, both in their 40's.

I have no other symptoms other than heartburn and/or acid reflux, belching. My ferritin is low but my diet doesn't contain a lot of iron, no other blood tests were abnormal.

If it was something sinister do you think I'd have more symptoms than this? I'm now in a complete state of panic. I'm 41 and feel 90 today.

Thank you for reading xx

25-02-16, 20:02
Hi there,

Helicobacter pylori can cause ulcers and gastritis. It would take a long time for this to maybe turn into a cancer and stomach cancer is slow growing. People can live with H Pylori all their lives without having anything happen to them.

Having the endoscopy is a good option as the specialist will see any areas of inflammation and biopsy it. It will also confirm H-Pylori so you can be treated again. Sometimes people need to have a couple of treatments for it.

I've had H-Pylori in my early 40's and was treated for it. I also developed gastritis a few years ago then healed it with Zantac and Bio Ceuticals Intestamine which is a natural product (it's fantastic). The last scope showed no sign of gastritis at all :)

I still get a lot of belching etc but it's likely to be food intolerances.

Good luck with the procedure, Lesley.

ps. the procedure is a breeze, they give you an injection which basically puts you out so you can't remember it afterwards.

25-02-16, 21:29
My uncle was in his 60's when he was diagnosed with H Pylor, he had had two burst ulcers once in his 20's and once in his 30's in the days before any anti ulcer drugs and before they even knew h Pylori existed. He was treated when he was 65 but it kept coming back. He lived to be 83 and never developed stomach cancer from his lifelong infection with H Pylori.

Ask for sedations for the proceedure and you will know nothing about it happening and its almost certainly not stomach cancer but you may have gastritis of even a hiatus hernia, all benign conditions