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25-02-16, 17:59
I'm scared...

Tore two ligaments in my ankle 3 months ago -- and now I feel like I have a DVT in my calf.

I don't have swelling, but sometimes the skin color of the ankle and foot (when I get out of the shower) is a bit red...and my calf hurts after I stretch it the next day.

I read all over the internet that you need to stretch and build up your muscles after non-weight-bearing for a certain amount of time...and that pain is expected.

Those little follicles near my ankle seem agitated, like red -- it has been dry in the house (about 35-40% humidity), and my other leg is kind of the same, but not as bad. Of course on the injured ankle, I had a walking boot for 2.5 weeks, ankle brace for 2 weeks, and then an ace bandage for like another month. So it kind of makes sense that the hair follicles would be aggrivated.


I quit Physical Therapy for my ankle (tore 90% ATFL and partially CFL), because they had me do lunges, and I felt a rip in my quad -- I convinced myself this was a DVT in my upper leg. I pretty much refused to bend my leg for three days after this until I went to the ER and they performed an ultrasound and said I was fine. I don't remember them scanning all the way down to my ankle in the main vein there, so now I'm convinced (for a week or more) that I have a DVT in my calf or ankle.


I still cannot do a full calf raise on that side, but every time I feel a bit of pain, I know for sure my mind makes me back off because I'm afraid a blood clot is going to free itself and kill me.


The sad part is, it's not even death I'm afraid of -- it's leaving my 6 year old son without a father.


This consumes me, it's all I think about.

For years (maybe 5 years or so) I was convinced that I was dying from colerectal cancer. Then I was convinced for 2-3 years that I was dying from throat cancer. Now I'm dying from a DVT...

I have a fear of hospitals and doctors offices -- any time they take my blood pressure there it's like 140 / 100 or worse. If I measure it myself on a sterilized device at a pharmacy, it's like 120/80. As soon as I walk into a doctor's office, I start feeling like I'm going to breath something in and die. When I drive past hospitals, I turn my air conditioning off so I don't get the air inside my car...it's that bad.


I know I have an issue with convincing myself I'm dying -- but even people that have issues convincing themselves that they are dying -- get a disorder or disease and die...just because you know you struggle from this disorder doesn't mean that you can't contract some .001% disease and drop dead.


Like I said, it's not even death I fear. I am a Christian, I try to leave my anxiety and ask for God's help...but I don't want to be that person that jumps off a building and prays and assumes he'll be ok, because he probably won't. I just don't want to leave my son without a father...and my wife without money to pay for a nice place for him/her to live.

If you have any insight at all, please post it up. I'll be checking for anything, even just a hello.

---------- Post added at 12:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 ----------

Reading more of this forum, I've realized I've had a lot of the same things people are posting about...

The one side of my nose was clogged for a very long time. I assumed this was some type of cancer and I was dying.
In fact, I remember being around the age of 10 and coughing until I threw up once in the sink and I thought I was dying. I hid this from my mother.

Among other various things as well...

But I drive down the road and I see this sign on a billboard that says "Having chest pain, call 911 immediately" -- and I'm just thinking that if I called 911 every time I had chest pain I'd probably have called 911 about a thousand times so far.

The chest pain I get is the worst when I know there's going to be a snow storm that night. Because I know that if I have a heart attack that there's a chance an ambulance won't be able to get to me if I need them.


I don't know, maybe I do have a problem ... but that doesn't mean that I can convince myself that rare things don't happen even to those people.

It is weird though, usually a symptom doesn't go away until the next one starts.

25-02-16, 18:34
As you stated, reading through the forum you'll find countless posts that echo what you're feeling both physically and mentally. None of it is sinister although your anxiety would have you think otherwise.

He's a crafty one that dragon. Lies better than any politician and gets away with just as much or more ;)

One thing is true. People with anxiety do get sick... but 99.99% of the time it's not with the sinister thing they fear. Of the tens of thousands + posts I've read in the last few years, I know of just two people that actually had something serious... and they're both fine now. Ironically, they handled it great and their anxiety took a back seat and has stayed there since.

Positive thoughts

25-02-16, 19:07

02-03-16, 17:34
Ended up in the Emergency Room again today (only the fourth time I've been there in my life). The anxiety and panic started hitting me last night because my leg was a bit more red where my sock would be. Barely slept, woke up at 5am (2 hours before I had to get up)...feeling very sick to my stomach. Tossed and turned for 2 hours.

They were very nice. The doctor says I'm fine (physically). He said he would do another ultrasound if I insisted, but that he was sure I am fine. I could kind of see where it was going, I'd have probably had to sit in that germ-infested room for 4 hours waiting, so I took his word for it.

He offered me an anxiety person / counselor to come down and talk to me. I took him up on it. She gave ma a list of people that I can follow up with.

Hoping to calm down after this now.