View Full Version : Cut my finger, freaking out

25-02-16, 18:54
I've just cut my finger on a tin can lid and it looks really deep and it's bleeding through the plaster and I don't know if this is normal. I'm terrified I'm gonna bleed to death! It's dripping down my finger

---------- Post added at 18:43 ---------- Previous post was at 18:28 ----------

It's been bleeding for 16 minutes now. I know I'm probably overreacting I've just never cut myself before. Is this normal? Should I go to the walk I'm centre?

---------- Post added at 18:54 ---------- Previous post was at 18:43 ----------

It's still bleeding but not as badly now. I'm slightly concerned about tetanus though. Is quite deep. Not sure what to do I've never had a tetanus injection before (to my knowledge anyway, certainly not this past 15 years or so).

25-02-16, 18:55
No one can determine that KeeKee. If you've applied direct pressure and done all the things you do with a cut and it's still really bleeding then yes, get some attention.

Take the following steps for minor cuts.

1. Stop the Bleeding
Apply direct pressure on the area.
2. Clean and Protect
Clean the area with warm water and gentle soap.
Apply an antibiotic ointment to reduce chance of infection.
Put a sterile bandage on the area. In some people, antibiotic ointments may cause a rash. If this happens, stop using the ointment.

Positive thoughts

25-02-16, 19:06
Thank you Fishmanpa ;-)
The bleeding is only slight now, I'll clean it and put a plaster on. I think I got a shock because of how much it was bleeding at first but it's definitely settled down.
I'm worried about tetanus with it being a used can lid although it's only a day old we only used it yesterday but my dog years ago needed to be put to sleep from tetanus and it's horrible.

25-02-16, 19:34
I always use Germaline. Apply that to the pad of the plaster and put it on. Then leave it.. The germaline will get into the cut. I'm not sure about tetnus, u need to speak to someone medical about that.

25-02-16, 19:34
Glad to hear it's getting better. Give your doctor a call and ask concerning a booster for tetanus. If it's been as long as you say, then he'll probably advise it just as a precaution.

Positive thoughts

25-02-16, 20:12
Thank you both for replying I rang NHS direct and they told me to go to the walk in centre within the hour which worried me slightly but the bleeding is tiny now so I'm no longer worried about that. I have come to the walk in centre though haha. I feel embarrassed but I mentioned on the phone I was reluctant to come as I didn't want to show up with what could be a minor cut but he said I would need it examined by someone.
In a way I wish I hadn't rang them as sometimes they just tell you to go to protect their own backs but I wouldn't dare not come since he said I'd need to come within the next hour

25-02-16, 20:51
It's doubtful you'll bleed to death but you may go in anyway if the bleeding doesn't stop - if for no other reason than to see about updating tetanus. They may also be able to stop the bleeding or wrap it for you well.

I went to the ER once because I got an earring back stuck in my pierced ear...I'm sure they see all kinds of things. :). At least with a bleeding cut it is VERY easy for them to see what is wrong and get things squared away.

25-02-16, 21:32
Thank you Poppy :-)
Well I've been it's still bleeding (only a little bit) but he said it wasn't deep enough to warrant stitches and he's put a sticky thing on it to hold the skin together to allow it to heal. I've been given a tetanus just in case although he said the chances of that anyway are minimal but as I can't remember the last time I had one then they give me a booster so that's that over with. At least I'll not need to worry about it again if I cut myself or anything. We're on the bus going home shattered ha. I feel like a right fool but the woman who I first seen even said she would have done the same years ago although not now as she is in the medical profession.

25-02-16, 22:56
Bleed to death on a tin can? You’re over reacting. I would be more worried of tetanus.

25-02-16, 23:03
Bleed to death on a tin can? You’re over reacting. I would be more worried of tetanus.

If you read the rest of the thread, the bleeding slowed and she went to the clinic where they checked it out, dressed it and gave her a tetanus booster.

Positive thoughts