View Full Version : Absolutely miserable!

25-02-16, 21:09
I apologize ahead of time if this is super long. :wacko:

My name is Lisa. I'm 27 with two kiddos - a five year old and a two year old. They are wonderful, but definitely a handful. I was diagnosed with beta thalassemia minor as a teenager and have always been more tired than the average person. My hemoglobin is always a little low, but I can usually tolerate it. In the last year, I've had a pretty significant amount of stress in my life. My family and I sold our home in Florida and moved to Tennessee. We had plenty of issues along the way. In September, we found out I was pregnant. In the beginning of November, we lost the baby. Around the same time, we found out there was black mold in our apartment that was making us all very sick. The mold was taken care of around Christmas and we came back to our apartment. My respiratory problems from the mold haven't returned, but I have never felt so horrible in my life. I've been back and forth to the doctor at least 6 times in the last couple of months. I've convinced myself that I must be dying.

My GP ran some blood tests: sedrate, creatine kinase, comprehensive metabolic panel, and a cbc. Everything came back normal except for my hemoglobin (9.6, which is pretty low even for me) I also had a chest x-ray because of some rib pain and trouble breathing. That was also normal. He also did a quick neurological exam because I was complaining of feeling off balance, constant ringing ears, muscle twitching, tingles in my left hand and other random parts of my body, a tight feeling in my right temple, and dry/tired/blurry eyes. The neurological symptoms are scaring me the most right now. I've had the weird off balance sensation before, but always figured it was my anxiety. The ringing ears started a few days after I went back on my Lexapro. I had a good experience with it in the past, but was told to stop taking it to see if the ringing in my ears would go away. Here we are a month and half later and it's still a problem. (I've also been on wellbutrin and zoloft in the last month, but told to stop due to scary side effects) My GP said he doesn't think anything neurological is wrong with me, but since I was panicking about a brain tumor, he referred me to get an MRI to put my mind at ease. I'm very nervous about this and terrified what they're going to find. My appointment for that is on March 4th. I also just went to the hematologist a few days ago and I'm waiting to get my results on some bloodwork she did. Specifically for B12 deficiency.

So just to recap.. these are the symptoms I'm pretty much constantly suffering from:

-extreme fatigue
-the worst anxiety & depression I've ever experienced
-feeling out of it all the time. I can't enjoy anything anymore.
-strange off balance/unsteady feeling (mostly while walking or standing, but sometimes I even feel weird while not doing anything)
-no energy or motivation, I get pretty tired out just doing simple every day tasks (going to the store or running errands is the worst!)
-tingling left hand and other parts (mostly left sided)
-constant ringing in ears
-random muscle twitching all over
-very tight and sore muscles in neck and shoulders
-TMJ (dentist confirmed this a few weeks back)
-joint pain and popping all over (especially fingers, knees, ankles, and my entire back)
-dry/tired eyes
-tightness in my right temple (this just started in the last few days)
-every so often, I get a mild tension type head ache. I don't normally have many problems with headaches.

I think that's everything. It's hard to keep up anymore. It seems there's something new to add to the list with each passing day. I know a lot of these are anxiety symptoms and I am an extremely anxious person. But I have never had so many symptoms at one time that seem to never go away. I'm constantly worrying about all of this, I can never relax. It has started to really be a burden on my family life. I feel like I can't be the mother and wife that I want and need to be. My husband is at his wits end with me. My mom is here staying with us to help me out and my husband is so sick of her being here. I just don't know what to do anymore. I think I will feel a little better if my MRI comes back okay, but I'm having a very hard time believing it will. If this is how I am now, I can't imagine how I will be if I find out something is seriously wrong. Again, I'm sorry this was so lengthy! I've been on this forum a lot lately reading about others experiences. It's the only thing that helps even a little bit.

25-02-16, 21:26
Poor you. I can comment on the off balance and tmj and ringing ears. I have a very damaged neck and tmj and I get all of the above and have had for many many years. Ringing in the ears is also a very very common side effect of many drugs as well. Tmj can give loads of ear issues and balance issues as well.

When I first started with the above problems I was convinced I had either a brain tumour or ms but nope neither. they are all due to damaged neck and damaged jaw joints. I still have all these problems 25 years later!

25-02-16, 21:53
I'm not expert and I'm actually new here but bring here and reading what others are going through and that many have symptoms that mimic mine have made me feel better. After an Urgent Care trip and 2 ER visits, I'm still not convinced I don't have a serious illness. I've had blood tests done that revealed my ALT Liver Enzyme was slightly elevated & they attributed it to a Viral Infection and said it was of no concern because my AST was normal and all of my other numbers were very good. ER gave me a Chest X-Ray and attributed my shortness of breath and feeling as if I couldn't swallow and chest pain to Anxiety, I thought I was going to have a Heart Attack at 28. They made me sign a form to agree to seeing a Primary Care Doctor, which I will be in the beginning of March.

I've went from multiple cancers and brain tumors to MS & ALS. My BM's are different now, everything. I've had good days and really bad ones. I've also noticed that when I am thinking about things and my symptoms and what's wrong with me, it always feels as if something is and something is off. I never had any issues before with anxiety but now I've had 3 to 5 panic attacks and some days I can't stop thinking about my health, not even for 5 minutes... I now know that part of my problem or even all of it, very well could be anxiety.

My girlfriend has been crazy supportive and this forum has done wonders for me. You need to talk to your husband and explain that you can't help how you feel and that he needs to support you. And you also need to try to do things to take your mind off of this. Get your necessary tests and maybe begin to accept that your mind very well could be playing tricks on you and just maybe it's anxiety. I started feeling better once I realized so many others are going through this and once I realized most of my symptoms mirror some of the people here and are pretty common in anxiety.

After all the tests you've done and your doctor visits, I'd guess it's the HA that you need to start treating. And judging by you being here, if it was something serious(I dont think it is), I'd bet you'd fight it and beat it!

Best wishes!

25-02-16, 22:31
Thank you guys for replying to my post! I agree, it helps to read about other people's experiences to know we aren't alone in this. I just can't help feeling this sense of dread that something is terribly wrong. It's always on my mind, constantly driving me crazy.

When my ears started ringing, I immediately blamed it on the Lexapro, but then I made the mistake of googling it and finding out it could be a symptom of a brain tumor or MS. And a bunch of other things too, but of course I focus on the worst. If it is the Lexapro though, why wouldn't it have caused this when I've taken it in the past? I've also had issues with my jaw for a while and only just recently developed the ringing. I wonder why it would take so long to cause it?

Nick, I'm so sorry you're going through all of that. I hope you get some answers and everything turns out okay. I'm to the point where I also want to go to the ER and just demand they run all the tests and find out what's wrong, but I think my fear is holding me back. I just keep picturing them walking in and giving me terrible news. It'll be interesting to see what state I'm in after I get my MRI done and have to wait for results. Just thinking of it is making me feel shaky.

If all is good, I will definitely be tackling this HA head on and do everything I can to get my life back. I miss the old me. I know my husband does too. I think he's on the verge of leaving me. :scared15:

26-02-16, 00:03
Your husband is not going to leave you and the kids. You need to try to stop worrying about that. I'd be crying thinking my girlfriend was going to leave and that I was letting her down. That's not the case at all. She supports and loves me and I'm sure your husband feels the same way. And yes it's frustrated my girlfriend at times, just like your husband, I'd bet.

You're going to be just fine. Do some things to relax. I've found that sitting in a hot shower works for me. I can rationalize my thoughts and really just relax. You sound like you're at the stage I was the last couple of weeks, I'm feeling better mentally this week than I have in a lititle while. If you feel the need, go ahead and message me... Maybe we can help each other!

Best wishes and you'll be just fine!!

26-02-16, 00:43
Thank you, I really hope you're right! I know my husband loves me and wants to see me better, but he thinks that I want to be sick and that having my mom here to help out is enabling me. I've tried to tell him that I want nothing more than to feel better and get back to my old self, but I don't think he believes me.

I really hope I start feeling better like you have. I've tried to do things here and there to help me relax (watching a favorite TV show, taking a bath, having a couple of beers) but nothing seems to be working anymore. In fact, having a few beers just makes me want to go straight to sleep.

I think what is scaring me most is that I've been through plenty of bouts of anxiety and times where I thought I had this, that, or the other. I've always been a hypochondriac. This time, I can't get over it. It's lasted longer than ever and only seems to be getting worse. I never have a moment that I don't feel the symptoms I've described. I would think if it's anxiety, I would at least have moments where I don't feel ALL of these things, ALL the time.