View Full Version : Panicking over leg pain

25-02-16, 22:43
Im having leg pain and its making me panic because i think its a clot. I dont have any swelling in leg and it's not hot to the touch but I'm still scared in case it a clot. I'm not the most active because I'm in a bit of a slump at moment. I did go to doctor about it and she looked at it for me and squeezed it and felt pulse in foot and said that there was no clot but because of the pain in doubting her. She said if I had a clot it would be swollen and red and got to touch plus I probably wouldn't have pulse but because I've read stories before about people having them without symptoms I'm scared and panicking thinking what if she missed something plus I've been getting chest pains aswell like sharp stabbing pain under left breast. I'm scared and panicking.

26-02-16, 03:14
I've also experienced similar leg pain in the front of my leg, directly above my knee. Rest assured, if it was a blood clot you would know it! The pain is usually excruciating and is very hot to touch. Also, the redness would literally surround the are where the blood clot is and become extremely swollen. Your entire leg/calf would be approximately twice the size of your other extremity. Trust your GP as they have done the appropriate testing to look for a blood clot/deep vein thrombosis. If, you are still unsatisfied, or panicky about the leg pain, then request to have an US/Doppler of the extremity completed over the area where you are experiencing pain. This will give a definitive view of the blood supply and show whether there actually is a clot there. Hope this helps!

26-02-16, 11:30
Just a thought.. do you have sciatic problems as I do and can very often manifest in the leg. I get it mostly shin and foot, sometimes thigh.