View Full Version : Just wondering about nasal drip

26-02-16, 07:45
Hi, I haven't been on for a while as have been quite good with my anxiety and handling it better. However, these last few days I have had some worries. I have a sore throat, which would be ok but I've had it a while now. Its a little red but not bad but I have to keep clearing my throat. I wondered if it sounded like post nasal drip, or maybe reflux?

I don't know much about these but have heard of both and thought I'd ask if anyone else has it. I have a bit of mucus too. I had a bad cough and cold a few weeks ago but that went and I felt ok. I'm scared that I've done damage to my throat with drinking white wine. As I say I've been ok for ages but this morning I woke up really early and had real anxiety again. Any one with similar symptoms? Oh, I have been taking apple cider vinegar too as I thought it was beneficial but maybe it's too acidy?
Thanks in advance.

26-02-16, 12:13
No one experienced this? Maybe I should post this in symptoms? :huh::shrug:

26-02-16, 14:44
Well, I don’t know if you have read my post regarding cough. Few days ago I was having a flu, the headache and fever is gone, but the itchy/scratchy throat is still present, and phlegm is present down in my throat too, I would cough it off on purpose to spit off the phlegm and much of the time it would have some traces of blood. You’re fine, and apple cider vinegar is great. Just rest your throat and drink plenty of fluids/water.

26-02-16, 15:33
Thank you, for your reply, I have read your post now. Seems like a similar thing, I'm coughing a bit too, a deep down cough even though I recovered from a heavy cold a few weeks ago and felt better. Could the spots of blood maybe be caused with the coughing?
Resting my throat is a good idea, I think clearing my throat all the time might not be helping. I had a terrible anxiety feeling this morning when I realised it was still here and quite persistent, I was thinking all sorts. That's anxiety for you!

26-02-16, 18:36
It can take a long time to get over a cough resulting from a cold - anything up to 2-3 months unfortunately.

Spots of blood in your cough is most likely from your nose or teeth. Your nose can get very dry in the winter and cause it to crust and bleed, with post nasal drip, that blood can transfer to your throat and sometimes comes back up with coughing. You may also have gum issues where little bits of blood go into your throat (from brushing too hard for example) and that comes up.

If it persists, or a lot of blood is coming up, then see a dr, but small specks of blood every now and then are usually nothing to worry about.