View Full Version : Just can't understand !!!

26-02-16, 08:27
I get that I have a issue with anxity. What I don't understand is if your feeling good and not anxious how come you still get the symptoms. Anyone else wonder this or have any advice :huh:

26-02-16, 10:53
Because your body can be full of anxiety hormones but your mind is calm. the body reacts to the hormones by tensing your muscles/ racing your heart/making you sweat or go dizzy - the list is endless but your mind has no idea at all that you have these horrible hormones whizzing around because its calm:wacko:

I can feel totally chilled but have massive muscle/ nerve twitching for weeks on end and its only on looking back do I realise that something not health related was niggling away at me.

When my mother was told she had terminal cancer on the surface I was fine, coping etc but my left thigh muscle twitched to the point the Dr could watch it for 6 months. It wasn't anything nasty it was my bodies way of dealing with my surpressed emotional turmoil.

26-02-16, 15:34
Thanks for the reply countrygirl. Just can't get my head round it. The pin pricks and twitching sensations, I'm convinced I have MS or some nerve problem.

26-02-16, 16:32
I understand totally and its only in the past few years that i have been able to accept that mine are not from something sinister. Remember you can get all sorts of nasty symptoms from all sorts of medical conditions that are not conditions that will shorten your life, they affect the quality of your life sometimes badly but thats all.

The huge difference in us with HA is that we think every single symptom is a symptom of something that is going to kill us probably in the very near future whereas anyone else thinks " I don't like this symptoms its impacting on my life" but they only go to the Dr because they want someway of making the symptom go away.

26-02-16, 17:28
Most days I feel an emotional wreck. I feel sorry for my better half and my daughter. She 16 and she listens and gives me fantastic advice. ( comes to something when your teenager daughter gives you advice lol). I have recently been to the DR she wasn't concerned when I mentioned my symptoms just explained that they wasn't similar to MS symptoms. I did have a cbc which came back normal other than low iron. I really appreciate you replying to my post I don't really know anyone how has this anxiety to chat to. I think unless you experience what we do it's hard to understand. So thank you for taking time to reply x

26-02-16, 18:04
It can be a very lonely and frightening illness. It's very hard for anyone who isn't suffering from it to understand just how real and terrifying the symptoms can be, and also how mentally and physically draining suffering with it is. I fully appreciate how difficult and frustrating it must be for our family and friends but the only way I can describe it is like being in a self imposed prison with no way out. I hope you feel a little bit better knowing you're not on your own and that there's lots of other people going through the same thing.

26-02-16, 18:48
Hi Danielle
The reason I joined this forum was so I could chat to people who gets what it feels like. As I said in my first reply, sometimes I can feel great for a few days no symptoms and I think it's over then out of the blue they return only the pin prick sensations any where from my head to toe. It's that that makes my panic as I don't see how you can have symptoms when you don't feel anixious !!! sometimes I feels like I have a demon in my mind fighting a battle with me ..... Strange that your own mind the one that you control is capable of that. :wacko:

26-02-16, 19:41
Hey Shelly,

I think we all go through this thought process. What I think though, is that we're not necessarily experiencing "symptoms" of anything except being human. Everyone has aches, pains, cramps, tingles, dizziness etc... but people without HA just brush it off as temporary and nothing to worry about.

We get the same normal experiences, but think the worst. So even though everyone gets these feelings, we take it to be a symptom of something serious - even though it isn't.

So even though you're doing well and not anxious, you get these issues and that triggers the bad thought pathways. Sucks huh! lol