View Full Version : anyones weird moles turned out benign??

26-02-16, 16:42
so i have a strange mole it is 2 colours like one freckle inside another.. i am too scared to see the derm as im convinced its melanoma:( anyone have a weird mole looked at and it turned out to be nothing?

26-02-16, 16:49
My turn to help you now.
My wife had a mole odd shape, a few shades, didn't look right, and itched.
Our doctor who was a dermatologist said it didn't look suspicious but took it off any way.
It was ok. Always worth checking and it's surprising how many odd, dodgy looking spots and moles a just "Normal "

26-02-16, 17:06
thanks for your reply:) thats made me feel a little better, i just get in such a state and convince myself that the worst is gonna happen. im just going to have to see the derm and hope for the best x

26-02-16, 21:33
You shouldn't be too scared to get it looked at. Seriously, they will look at it and can tell you in seconds if it's something to worry about. My guess is that it isn't anything serious, we all have weird marks that might be concerning.

The key is to get it checked if it concerns you to put your mind at ease or to treat it if it's something that needs treatment.

26-02-16, 22:28
I had a big nasty one my groin area it was blue purple black and green and very asymmetrical. It was about 2 cm. I had it shaved off I was terrified that it was melanoma. I waited 1 we know which seemed like a year to get the results. It wasn't melanoma but precancerous just because of the way it looked. My doc told me it could never turn out to be cancer, but just the way it looked made it precancerous so I had them remove it completely. I wish I took a picture of it because it was scary looking.Have your doc take a look at it and just try to relax and dont google.

27-02-16, 08:52
my doc said it looks benign but to keep an eye on it but i wanted to be referred straight away. and now im too scared to go to the derm.im convinced im gonna have terminal cancer over this. thanks for ur replies:) x

03-03-16, 21:40
I had one pop up suddenly on my neck. It was darker than others on my body, and it was a strange shape. O worried for ages and then went to see a skin cancer specialist to get my body mole mapped.
I was terrified because my auntie died from melanoma when she was 30 :(
The specialist said the mole looked fine but wanted to monitor it. After 3 months I went back to get it checked again and she said it looked like it had changed. I freaked out and cried for days until I got it removed.
The results of the biopsy though were COMPLETELY BENIGN!
So yes you can have a weird looking mole and have it be nothing sinister :)

03-03-16, 23:46
Most moles are benign but it's always best to get them checked out just to be safe :)

04-03-16, 10:06
I am literally covered in hundreds of mole. some big, some small, lots of different shapes and colours. the thing to watch out for is if they look really unusual or if they change. I am very pale and have been badly sunburnt a few times (however I stay well out the sun now!) so I am really conscious of any changes.

I have one that (I think) looks like melanoma on my bum cheek cause it is very very dark and irregular. My GP took one look at it though and said it was fine :)

Skin cancer worries/moles are one of my biggest health anxiety nightmares so I know how you feel xxx

04-03-16, 10:20
Like snowflake I am covered in moles and every other skin abnormality you can think of - the females in my family have a very definite genetic fault!

I have alot of what look like brown irregular marks - not a freckle and not a mole and totally flat with skin, they start out as a pinprick and over a couple of years slowly grow and then stop. I have always had them and get new ones every few years. This has happened since I was a teenager.

The only female in my family who also has this genetic prediliction to lots of moles etc who has had skin cancer, is my aunty who is the only one who spent as much time as she could getting a suntan and going abroad, all the other never left england. She has had malignant melanoma and I saw it and it was unmistakable. It was size of a 2p piece and very black with red edge and inflamed. She had it removed at age 64 and is still alive and healthy now at 87. She was also treated for none life threatening skin cancer in her 40's.

You have a choice - stop worrying and accept that it is okay - keep worrying for however long but refuse to get it checked out or go and get it checked out. I know which one of the 3 I would do.

04-03-16, 10:43
My husband has a misshapen mole on his temple that has grown bigger over time. He went to the GP who looked at it through some kind of microscope thing and said it was fine. Hubby forgot all about it, this was three years ago and the mole is fine.