View Full Version : Worried about my health

26-02-16, 19:28
I am currently doing a university course and because I live quite a long way from the campus I have to travel to get there by bus. The problem is that sometimes I find it hard to sleep at night so that when I get to the university I feel very tired. Because of this I worry that it might effect my health or might that it might cause me to have health problems in the future.
I sometimes feel a twinge in my chest, and even though I have been told I am ok by doctors I worry that it might be a problem that will be made worse by being tired a lot.

26-02-16, 19:47
Sounds like the life of a college student! Is not getting enough sleep bad for you? Kind of - it's not great to be tired and sleep is useful to repair and replenish, but it's not going to cause anything serious. It'll just make you feel crappy and tired.

Look into some natural sleep aids, get rid of distractions at bed time (iPad, TV etc...) and try to get into a good sleep pattern, you'll feel a lot better for it!