View Full Version : My mom has leg pain, so worried!

26-02-16, 20:24
My mom had a basal cell cancer removed from her shoulder last July. Her check up in October was clear and is due another soon. However she's had leg pain in her left leg from shin to knee and upper leg last few weeks. Worsr when she walks and even worse going up or downhill. I'm terriefied it's srcondary bone cancer.

26-02-16, 22:05
I'm so sorry to hear that your mum has been unwell, i can imagine how awful it must be to go through that.

I would encourage your mum to go and see her doctor to get some advice and please try not to worry too much, you need to stay strong for her and the best thing to do is not over think anything. I know this is easier said than done - trust me, I'm the first person to over think and jump to conclusions and I'm sure I would be in the same frame of mind as you if I was in your shoes.

There are so many explanations for leg pain and it sounds reassuring that it's worse when she walks around, this would maybe suggest joint pain or muscle pain it really could be anything and is probably something minor.

I hope your mum feels better soon, keep your head up and stay strong and please remember don't stress too much.

26-02-16, 22:11
Hi. That's the problem with us anxiety sufferers, we always jump to the worst possible conclusion. My dad has had a skin biopsy from his face recently so I have read a bit about basal cell carcinoma. From what I know it rarely spreads so the chances are it's something less serious like arthritis in her knee. I understand your worry though.

26-02-16, 22:16
She is 53, good health otherwise. Probaly slightly overweight but is heavy bust. It hurts to get up and down. She can stand and finds it easier to stand than sit and get up(if on buses). Her skin cancer is what triggered my health anxiery, at the time I was very strong and supportive but now I'm so worried.