View Full Version : Sporadic Fatal Insomnia?

27-02-16, 07:08
Hey guys,

I am having a lot of trouble sleeping. It started last Thursday morning (18th) around 3 A.M. when I woke up (I believe it was because the fan for the heater turned off) and my mind just decided that it is not to go to sleep. Not a big deal. I went to work as usual that day, and I started to look up symptoms on Google for insomnia. I don't know how I came across Sporadic Fatal Insomnia, but I did and I went into a full COMPLETE meltdown. I seem to either have convinced myself that I have this rare disease, because ever since then falling asleep has become a chore. One week ago, this last Friday, I think I went almost 42 hours without sleep (I think I had 1 or 4 hours of broken sleep).

Anyway, falling asleep is my biggest problem, every time I feel myself drifting off I wake up again. I am taking medication and it seems to be working a little bit, but I want to try and do this naturally.

Has anyone experienced anything like this before?

27-02-16, 07:21
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

It's often the rare that HA focusses on as you probably already know. There have been a few threads I've seen on SFI since I've been here, some on the HA board if you search, and this one on the Symptoms board quite recently which may be of benefit to you:


Like you said, it is incredibly rare.

Insomnia on the other hand is incredibly common, especially with mental health conditions like anxiety. I've been through bouts of insomnia, as have many on here, so people can understand how frustrating it can be and how it really impacts on your mental health too.

I know I've spoken to many in my time at charity walk-in groups and on here who have talked about insomnia and many who have been unable to sleep over such periods as you have stated.

27-02-16, 08:39
You’re fine. You’ve said it: it is rare. Just focus on the fact that it is rare. November of 2015 I had an insomnia flare up, I had 3 weeks of poor sleep(poor sleep means, I can’t sleep or my sleep is not a deep REM sleep or most of my sleeps are interrupted). I was worried that time, I thought I was going crazy.

27-02-16, 08:54
Hi Terry,

I get insomnia occasionally too and it always gets worse when I think about it, it's really common for everyone with or without anxiety. I have GAD and my worries often keep me from sleeping or sometimes there's seemingly no reason but focusing on it always makes it worse. It would really take a lot of consecutive nights with no sleep to do any damage even if your getting a couple of hours you'll be fine. I know it's easier said than done but to find something that relaxes you before to sleep, there's a few apps out there that you can try, there's one that's like a hypnotising app (I know I was sceptical too but I listened to it and I driffted right off to sleep, I think it was the soothing tones of the guys voice) sometimes I'll distract my mind by thinking of positive things I plan to do in the future or even just listing my favourite things and thinking about them helps. Sometimes I'll even count to 100 in French - very random but works for me. You just need to find the thing that helps you, you need something that will relax you or distract your mind from your worrying thoughts, please don't worry about it, you'll be absolutely fine.

---------- Post added at 08:54 ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 ----------

Sorry not Terry *geodude. I thought I was the first to post and looked up at the name but Terry bet me to it!

27-02-16, 09:11
No worries, Toots. :flowers:

It's the old insomnia trap - the more your worry about sleeping, the more you won't. It's hard to do the opposite, and not worry like everything else in anxiety.

I don't think I would make it past 10 in French though...it's been a long time since my school days! :doh:

Visualisation tracks can be helpful, just anything to put your mind elsewhere and focus on something pleasant with some relaxing music.

I've heard white noise is good too and there are apps for this.

I found reading in bed helped me. The first time round it was more the opposite but once you get into reading on a more regular basis it is easier. I find if you can try to visualise as you are reading it can really help take your mind away from worries.

I am like you as well in that there can be nothing to worry about, the days can be all the same yet the symptoms are still there. Classic GAD really!

27-02-16, 09:22
Haha!I think the French (or any language) is a good one, it keeps your mind busy and it can't hurt to learn another language

I'm with you on the reading before bed too. I agree it's hard to get into at first but it's always relaxing and again your concentrating on the book so it's an easy distraction - the only issue I have with this is having too good of a book and then I'm not sleeping for a whole other reason - can't put the book down!

27-02-16, 14:39
Thank you for your reply everyone. Nirvana, that seems like what I am going through now. Even last night, I finally had to take a sleeping pill, where I slept for about an hour before waking up. I think I slept for an hour and woke up several times through the night.

Again, I was in a relaxed state and tried not to think about this fatal and horrible disease but even when I am drifting off, it doesn't seem to work. My mind brings me back into a conscious state.

At this point, I am preparing for long horrible death... :sad:

27-02-16, 14:50
At this point, I am preparing for long horrible death... :sad:

With the rarity of SFI, you'll be the most well prepared person in history! :) Insomnia is an issue for everyone at one point or another in their lives. You contradicted yourself in saying you were relaxed state but your mind brought you back. You're obviously stressed for some reason (perhaps something other than worrying about this incredibly rare, almost unheard of disease?) and that's causing the issue.

Regardless, eventually you'll sleep. The body and mind can only sustain so long before it will force you to rest.

Positive thoughts and pleasant dreams :)

27-02-16, 15:10
Thank you for your reply everyone. Nirvana, that seems like what I am going through now. Even last night, I finally had to take a sleeping pill, where I slept for about an hour before waking up. I think I slept for an hour and woke up several times through the night.

Again, I was in a relaxed state and tried not to think about this fatal and horrible disease but even when I am drifting off, it doesn't seem to work. My mind brings me back into a conscious state.

At this point, I am preparing for long horrible death... :sad:

I understand you, but try to relax. You’ll get past over it, Insomnia attacks has flare ups too, and it is common for Anxiety sufferers.