View Full Version : Very scared, anyone having the same issue?

27-02-16, 13:41
Hi all,

I am having a really bad time lately. Actually ever since I got pregnant (am 31 weeks now!) but it is getting too much right now. Just until few days ago I was out of my mind worrying if my blood pressure is high or not and now since yesterday I am absolutely terrified it falls too low and there is something wrong with my heart and something bad will happen to me. Yesterday I was feeling quite light-headed for most of the day but when I went out to town it got a lot worse, kept feeling like I'm gonna faint. Then I decided to feel for my pulse in an attempt to tell myself I am ok but I could hardly feel it, it was faint and I started really panicking at that moment. Fortunately i had a doctors app already booked for half an hour from then and was I glad for that!! She checked my pulse and said it was really fast but it calms down when I am taking deep breaths and she took my BP which was 135/74 and pulse at that point was 115 which I suppose was not too bad considering I was scared, but it must have been a lot higher earlier and when she was feeling for it. I didn't know what to think about BP either, as I was very anxious it must have been lower before so maybe it did fall when I was feeling light-headed but I cannot know anything for sure. Ever since the episode yesterday I have been feeling my pulse, I cannot take it though because as soon as I start to count and look at time it speeds up more. I am still feeling light-headed and am now scared to go out...
Last week I was having some head burning sensations and head pressure and was really scared worrying it is high bp and when one of my readings was 150/87 I really started obsessing about it so I was assessed at the maternity unit and as my heart rate was 124 at one point they did an ecg just to be on the safe side and after that was fine said I am ok. But there are so many other tests they could do, right?

I know I am pregnant and have a huge bump that is also quite high so there is not much room to breathe and also quite heavy and heart rate can normally increase in pregnancy and also you can get light-headed and even faint but it does not help me at all right now cause I keep thinking something terrible will happen even though I don't know why and what but maybe that my heart is overworked and can't cope :-(

I have previously felt faint or light-headed many times and have been obsessed with heart rate at times as well but I never really checked my pulse before when I was feeling faint to see what it feels like and I know many people with anxiety have but right now I really need someone who has experience to talk to me as being pregnant really makes it so much harder to deal with.

27-02-16, 15:27
I have had five healthy boys and every pregnancy seemed to increase my HR the bigger I got bp fluctuateswith everyone pregnant or not and to be honest your pulse is not too high, normal is between 60 and 100 and as you said lump is sitting right under your stomach pushing everything up like a big meal.

27-02-16, 23:22
Hi. I had all sorts of strange symptoms during my two pregnancies and spent the last trimester of baby number one back and forth to the midwife feeling sick, light headed, occasional high bp, indigestion etc. it was put down to anxiety over the forthcoming "event" and did subside when I gave up work and relaxed a bit more. You must remember that your body is doing something amazing right now and it is under strain. I sailed through childbirth and I'm sure everything will be fine for you too x

28-02-16, 10:50
Thank you all for your replies. I am doing my best but at times it gets really on top of me. It means a lot hearing from other people! I am just trying to get courage to go out with my friend and not runnaway home as soon as I can because I still feel a bit lightheaded and at times I can't help myself and have to feel mybpulse again.If that's nice and strong even if it's faster I reassure myself but if it feels weaker that's when major panic strikes...basically I am scared putting any strain on myself which includes even walking outside so it doesn't make it worse :-(