View Full Version : So Fed Up Now....

27-02-16, 14:38
Hey Guys,

So I thought id come on here for a rant since I'm feeling pretty low right now... I'm so fed up of anxiety getting the better of me, I feel like there's literally no escape... every little sensation or symptom I get I'm going out of my mind with worry...

I get that horrible butterfly feeling in my tummy and feel like I need to escape and I get so light headed its unreal like I'm about to faint its so frustrating...

I get woken up like every two hourly during the night with a racing heart and feeling all weak and jelly like its so bloody annoying...

Sometimes I just feel like I cant go on feeling like this? does anybody else think the same sometimes... I'm scared to do anything by myself in the fear of having a panic attack and feeling faint.... I work 13 hour shifts which is a massive struggle to get through the day and by the end of it im just mentally drained...

Life's so hard sometimes :(

27-02-16, 15:28
i know how you feel jojo
sending you a big hug xx

27-02-16, 15:52
Thanks a lot sending you big hugs too xxxx :D

27-02-16, 16:03
i need a hug right now as im having a crap time. i was doing ok after a bad spell last year.
i dont even get a break when i go to sleep as i have a horrible dreams and keep waking up in a panic and worrying more :weep:


27-02-16, 16:12
I completely understand I wake up every night in a panic its horrible... Then im tired all day because iv only had 3 or 4 hours of solid sleep which im sure makes my panic attacks and anxiety even worse its such a vicious circle im so sick of it :(

I hope we both get a break soon :) xxx

27-02-16, 16:14
i hope we both do too


27-02-16, 16:17
I'm going through a really rough time at the moment too. My health anxiety is through the roof and I'm struggling to cope. I feel your pain, we can get through it with each other's help :)

27-02-16, 17:37
yeah we sure can toots feel free to private message anytime for support im always here for you and for you too Kellie39 xxxx

27-02-16, 17:38
Thanks Jojo, same to you guys, I'm always available for a chat if anyone's feeling down

27-02-16, 18:42