View Full Version : ended up in a/e

27-02-16, 19:49
Hi not sure if this is the right place but i woke up at half 7 on thursday morning with really bad stomach bug and for for 5hrs i was constantly on the loo but i ended up calling 999 at 1 pm because i was siting on my bed and all of a sudden i felt really hot and sweaty and needed to go the loo again but as i got to the bathrom all of a sudden the sweat was pooring from me and i had to lay on bathrooom floor because i was going to pass out and couldnt get up , the paramedics came and checked me out but because my blood pressure kept going low when i stood up they took me to hospital i was so scared i thought i was going to die , the hospital done tests everything was ok exept my blood presure still droped and never came back up when they done it when i was standing so i had to stay until my blood pressure was ok they let me home at 9pm that night they said it happened becsuse i lost too much body fluids and got dehydrated, but ever since ive been home i havent been able to stop worring about my blood pressure and been to scared to do anything all ive been doing is laying on my bed most of the time because im scared to even stand up incase i go like i did on thursday and if my blood pressure drops again i might die from it, i keep telling myself that the reason i went the way i did was because i was dehydrated and that the hospital wouldnt of let me home if they thought it was seriouse but i cant seem to get passed it and cant stop the worring, my anxiety is thro the roof because i know my gp isnt open til monday so i can get my gp to do my blood pressure to see if its ok to put my mind at rest , i dont know if because ive got H/A that doesnt help things, sorry for such a long post but thought that if post on here maybe some one else might have had the same experience as me

27-02-16, 20:26
Sorry you're feeling bad... Most definitely, the low BP was caused by dehydration. You lost a lot of fluids I'm sure. I can attest to this from experience being dehydrated from not getting enough fluids during cancer treatment. I passed out a couple of times too. You won't die I assure you but you may feel dizzy or faint. Just make sure to drink plenty of fluids and you'll be fine :)

Positive thoughts

27-02-16, 20:49
Thk you fishmanpa im making sure i drink plenty but still abit scared to eat much incase i get the stomach bug back, ive had the same experience twice before over the yrs when i got stomach bug so my blood pressure properly went the same then but because i never foned 999 when it happened before i wasnt aware of my blood pressure droping and it didnt bother me so much buti supose because i did this time and was told about my blood pressure droppingit made me worry if that makes sence.

28-02-16, 11:03
I'm sorry to hear you had a rough time, Tricia. I hope you are feeling better now. :hugs::flowers:

We tend to lose a lot of body salt and don't replenish it as we would normally when we have these bugs. That's why you can buy rehydration salts in pharmacies and supermarkets these days.

I'm sure you will be fine, they wouldn't have let you out if not. If they had concerns over your hydration levels they would have likely put you on a drip to correct it. My mum had nearly two weeks of a bug a couple of years ago and in the end her GP sent her to hospital and this is exactly what they did overnight, plugged her into a drip and rehydrated her.

Please bare in mind she had gone nearly two weeks of it daily and not been able to eat much so I'm not saying this could happen because we've all had many such bugs and that was the first time we had someone with one lasting that long.

Get plenty of rest, keep drinking and east small when you are ready. My mum always made us rest our stomachs for a while and then started off with rich tea biscuits or plain digestives and if that went ok, sometime later it would be some soup or some toast. Old fashioned style recovery, eh?

28-02-16, 12:30
Hi terry im feeling okish ive bee n ok toilet wise since thursday trying to drink more and trying to get back into eating properly but i get scared incase it comes back and i end up going the way i did as it scaredthe life out of me, and i get really scared to stand up incasei go funny and pass out and end up dieing i dont know if thats the anxiety anxiety making think this way as im so anxiouse and cant seem to keep worring about it especialy about weather my blood pressures ok and gone back to normal i keep wanting to cry be cause i keep thinking why cant i just be like everyone else when they are ill as my daughter and son had the bug theday before but it never botherd them so much but it dont work like that for me i just go into panick mode and worry my self sick just wish i wasnt like the way am sorry to rant on but i dont have many people to talk to about how i feel.

28-02-16, 15:47
Try not to leave it too long before you get up and about though:)

28-02-16, 17:13
Thk puezella i wont as i know that wont helpmy anxiety ive been getting up and walking around the a lilltè xx

29-02-16, 05:14
Rant away, Tricia. If we can't do it on here, where can we?

Your body will resolve this on it's own soon. If it continues for days, contact your GP to see if they need to give you something for it. You took what you needed to last time so I'm confident in you doing so again if it's needed.

29-02-16, 08:46
Do hope you are feeling better soon, Tricia. Keep your fluid levels up and eat plain food little and often to keep your blood sugar on an even keel. Stomach bugs are horrible but nothing awful is happening to you.