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View Full Version : Just a question...

Bran Bran
01-03-07, 21:49
Hi. I'm trying to get rid of anxiety without valume or xanax or brain pills. I've been trying to jog, breath and stretch, but I admit on bad days I will take two antihistimines. My question is about beta blockers. What are these, how do they work and are they a good way to treat anxiety? I'm thinking about asking my doctor but I figure I'll hit this place up since its cheaper for advice here!


01-03-07, 22:05

Betablockers slow the heart down but won't cure anxiety as such.

Have a read of this ....


02-03-07, 16:14
Hi Brandy,
I was initially put on beta blockers when I was 14, which was stupid of my doc, as although they can be used to treat anxiety, they're mainly used for people with heart problems, and I had no problems with racing heartbeat etc. Have you considered trying natural remedies to help with the anxiety? Check out the forum. Kalms and kava kava are useful. I admire you for trying to beat anxiety without meds-I think if you can manage, then you'll be a much stronger person. While meds can alleviate symptoms, it's good to get to the heart of the problem. Have you tried asking for CBT? You can get plenty of helpful books that address how to cope with panic attacks/worry patterns. I would recommend Feeling Good by David Burns and The Worry Cure by Dr. Robert Leahy.
Good Luck