View Full Version : New panic and anxiety

27-02-16, 21:44
I have HA which I try to keep under control and at times do ok, but it's been hounding me again. I have discovered that I have general anxiety too and that it seems to follow on from my HA, its really scary. I am on the verge of a panic attack a lot and have no idea how to stop it. I am unable to put it into words really, I just feel scared and not even sure of what or why or how to deal with it, also that I might die. Anyone here one who manages to cope with anxiety could maybe give me some ideas or coping tips?

27-02-16, 23:26
Hi, anxiety is horrible. Do you have any medication prescribed? I find sometimes taking a bit of diazepam can calm me enough to stop the panic.

In terms of non-medication, I find a warm, sweet non-caffeinated drink helps. I have got into drinking camomile tea with honey in, it really helps calm me down. If you're worrying about lots of things at once, perhaps try writing them down and marking next to them whether you can do anything about them or not. If you can do something about them, look at each one separately. I sometimes find myself worrying about things that seem far too much to cope with, but when I break it down into the separate things that are worrying me, they're actually not all that important, it's just that my anxious mind has built it up into a mountain of worries. Talk to somebody else and see if they can help put your mind at ease about some of the worries.

28-02-16, 00:19
Thank you, that really sounds like a good idea, I will do that, sometimes I think you just need some direction. I'm very good at suggesting things to others, but when it comes to myself, useless! Thank you again, it does help ��

28-02-16, 19:47
Rescue remedy products are always good and handy for if your not at home

01-03-16, 11:26
I have general anxiety too the main problem with it is avoiding things that will trigger it. Like you I can give advice but not accept my own advice.

I always imagine the worst outcome and try to get a coping strategy for that then I know I am prepared for what ever may happen.