View Full Version : Freckles/melonoma concern...

27-02-16, 21:58
I have many freckles many different sizes and colours on body. I don't know the difference between mole and freckle just thought former were more protruding.

I have a few very small freckles that have a smaller darker freckle in the middle of them. Is this normal? I'm terrified its melanoma?

27-02-16, 22:20
I had a similar worry recently and went to the doctor, and all was fine. She told me in general it is moles above 6mm (pencil eraser) in diameter you should worry about, especially if they are irregular shapes and colours. It will take a doctor just a quick look to put your mind at ease. She also said be especially aware of ongoing dynamic change in a mole.

28-02-16, 00:39
Hi i have a mole well think it is, it's light colour and sometimes itches and then scabs up a little bit and falls off but after a while it will do the same again. Been doing this for 3 years or more now.

28-02-16, 11:10
i have the same worry, i have a flat freckle with a dark freckle in the middle.. doc said it looks benign but i asked him to refer me to the derm as of course i think its melonoma and have told myself im gonna die over it. extreme i no lol x

28-02-16, 11:20
i have the same worry, i have a flat freckle with a dark freckle in the middle.. doc said it looks benign but i asked him to refer me to the derm as of course i think its melonoma and have told myself im gonna die over it. extreme i no lol x

Did the doctor send you to the specialist

28-02-16, 11:51
I have like three or four of these across whole bode :/

28-02-16, 13:10
mines around 3mm i think, and im convinced i have skin cancer i have lots of freckles some so dark i think they are actually black. :( x

01-04-16, 20:49
Still worrying so many of my freckles aren't perfect circle shapes...

---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 20:16 ----------

It's only now because I know a few people who have had skin cancer; one melonoma and another squamous. One is one my boob. I have freckles all over and none are circles. Some darker than other.

01-04-16, 20:49
They don't need to be perfectly circular. I have hundreds of moles, all different sizes, shapes and colours. Some have grown a small amount over time, some are multicoloured etc etc. All are totally normal. Have you sorted the therapy Reb?

01-04-16, 20:56
I think when we Google they are weird if different shapes and most of mine are!

I have contacted NHS, on waiting list now xx

---------- Post added at 20:56 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ----------

Do you have those light Brown with dark spot?

01-04-16, 22:35
What happened to your other fear? Yesterday you were running up the walk in clinic for spit.

Now you on a waiting list for 'melanoma'?

Please stop doing this. Try to help yourself more before while you wait for therapy. All these posts aren't helping you, reassurance isn't helping you.

01-04-16, 22:49
What happened to your other fear? Yesterday you were running up the walk in clinic for spit.

Now you on a waiting list for 'melanoma'?

Please stop doing this. Try to help yourself more before while you wait for therapy. All these posts aren't helping you, reassurance isn't helping you.

She's on a waiting list for CBT for her health anxiety.

02-04-16, 00:31
Had mine checked last week doctor said it's fine nothing to worry about.

But i did tell them i had picked it off twice but just said that's ok.

02-04-16, 05:07
Do you have those light Brown with dark spot?

I've got a few. One if pretty big, none of them are round. One looks like a light brown jigsaw piece, more square. The big one looks like some mating between a hedgehog and slug due to the elongated shape and hairiness! (on my shin).

This larger one has got some bits missing due to the skin picking issue and the skin has come back normal for some reason. The big one is a mix of browns, like brown spots inside (quite a few) and it went that way probably over 20 years ago. I'm still here though! :yesyes:

02-04-16, 14:07
Have you ever been concerned terry? I have one side on my boob that I dont know if it's grown. Never looked at it properly. It's size of a 3rd of a pinky finger on a small hand (to be precise) it's slightly circular with light brown and darker in centre.

03-04-16, 00:04
Ah man, worried so much! I have a bit of dry skin on a freckle that's raised; I'm not sure if it's always been. It's a triangle shaped small one that's dark, symmetrical as its a triangle. That one and my boob one I'm worried about. I hate this.

---------- Post added 03-04-16 at 00:04 ---------- Previous post was 02-04-16 at 23:14 ----------

Sorry guys, I'm doing that 'trying to get better but still worrying' thing. The freckle is freckle sized just the colour and the dry skin I wiped off.

03-04-16, 00:07
I have a mole on my belly that I noticed had hardened and gone flaky. It made me a bit worried, and I think I should have gotten it checked out, but I just left it alone and it returned to normal. Thank god!

Moles can change for perfectly benign reasons so you probably have nothing to worry about.

03-04-16, 07:06
Have you ever been concerned terry? I have one side on my boob that I dont know if it's grown. Never looked at it properly. It's size of a 3rd of a pinky finger on a small hand (to be precise) it's slightly circular with light brown and darker in centre.

Concern, yes, worry, no. Worry is where anxiety comes in, concern is normal.

I've looked at the big one before and had a thought flash through about whether I should look into it but as fast as that comes, it is counteracted by a "who cares, whatever, move on" and it's gone. I don't have HA though and this is how my mind will react if I find a bump or lump. I don't make any connection to anything other than "it's just a lump or bump, boring, move on".

It's a different matter with an anxiety symptom though as I've always been symptom focussed in my GAD. I know it's only anxiety, but that doesn't make it any easier. Even if I suspect a health condition e.g. I may have started off with osteoarthritis, I have a concern about diabetes or possibly some liver issues due to ongoing fatigue, etc but to me it's a "concern", something to investigate and sort out, nothing scary.

As a GAD sufferer I've often said I'm not afraid of death (not in the least, the pain is a different matter) but I'm more scared of life! If I was told I had cancer my thoughts wouldn't be of death, they would be of my upset loved ones and how on earth would I be able to do the treatments as they would challenge my OCD issues with routine, what about the physical symptoms, etc. I accepted death as natural many years ago and don't care about it but the bit in between - life - is a very different story since the GAD started!

03-04-16, 16:34
Looking at it again this morning I'm like it's just a bloody freckle (expressive term ha).

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But then I'm still googling what melanoma looks like....

On top of worrying my mild mild mild we ache (1/10) is a aneurysn warning.

I miss my GAD it was so much easier to control, personally.

---------- Post added at 16:21 ---------- Previous post was at 14:30 ----------

Quite a few freckles are Not Circular.

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