View Full Version : Help me please

28-02-16, 01:13
Hi I've been having pain in my thigh for few days and have worked myself up over it thinking it a clot. I went to a&e yesterday with it and was seen by the doctor there. He just looked at it and squeezed it and said there was no physical sign of a clot so he didn't do the d dimer blood test which I wish he would have done to be honest. He told me it probably coming from my back but I'm still worrying in case he missed something because he didn't do blood test. I keep telling myself he's an a&e doctor and he probably deals with clots every day so he would know what to look out for .also while I was there talking to the doctor my heart went all funny on me which caused massive panic attack to which the doctor decided to put a 24 hour holter monitor on. I dropped it back today and while wearing it I had no palpitations or chest pain but now I don't have it I'm having chest pain and palpitations. I just want to be able to stop thinking I have a clot in my thigh because of pain and strange sensations in it. I went to believe that an a&e doctor knows what to look out for with clots and trust him when he says it not a clot. Can anyone help me please.

28-02-16, 01:35
Hi Ella,

This is classic health anxiety. You have symptoms, pain in your leg. Now this can be a huge number of things but you have chosen to pick the absolute worst case senario because you have anxiety. There is no point in thinking about the what if senarios, you've been seen by a doctor who would not send you home had he had any doubt at all. it's reassuring that he didn't think you needed a blood test to check. I've been in a&e many a time because I did exactly as your doing now, I let my mind wander to the worst case senario and I stick with it and even question doctors opinions. If the doctor said you're ok then your ok, try to reason with yourself and think about your situation logically. I know it isn't easy, anxiety is such a horrible thing to have to deal with. If you're still unsure then I would make an appointment with your doctor to have a chat about it but in the meantime try to relax and take your mind off it.