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View Full Version : Gall bladder or ulcer

28-02-16, 09:45
I was diagnosed with ibs in 2011
Diagnosed with acid reflux after having hplyori in 2013
And of course suffer with anxiety

But I'm just wondering if these tummy troubles I'm having sound like ibs or gallbladder issues or an ulcer

I get servere trapped wind'in my stomach it gets trapped under my ribs and lower left and right tummy
I get trapped wind in my shoulder blades which scares me
I get bad indigestion I can't even lay down during the day for a nap without it hurting
I get burning pain around my belly button
I'm loosing weight even tho I'm eating

Doctors say I'm fine and my cbt therapist doesn't want me contacting the gp unless absolutely nessasary

It's been going on for 5 years now so I'm starting to think it is ibs but I'm worried about the wind and traveling to my shoulder blades, which is why I think gall bladder it does seem muscular tho as I get knots when the shoulder blades are hurting.

The reason why I worry about ulcer is because I'm on omeprazole and worrying being in these are just masking my symptoms of ulcer? I did have a hplyori test recently and it was negative.

Can anyone relate?

28-02-16, 11:26
Hi miss sunshine,

I don't know the answer to your question unfortunately but I do suffer from these same symptoms. I get pain around my lower ribs, pain in my shoulder blades and stomach pain. I also have IBS and have just put these pains down to trapped wind because I honestly don't want to end up in an anxiety spiral wondering what it could be, if it's anything serious. It's reassuring that someone else has these same symtoms and as we both have IBS I would say it's probably just trapped wind we are expericning.

28-02-16, 12:00
Hi it does not sound like gallbladder problems to me at all.

28-02-16, 12:18
Ive had gallstones and the pain from them left me rolling around on the floor crying it was the worst pain I've ever felt and I had a 10lb3 baby on just gas and air! Also with gallstones the painwould get worse until I was sick then it would stop, I always felt the pain in the middle of my chest and back like when you eat crisps and swallow a sharp bit you've not chewed properly if that makes sense?

01-03-16, 14:59
Thank you for all your replies it has made me feel alot more positive it is ibs now.

I dont know what causes my wind pain. but recently i have been getting it alot. I think it may be due to an increase in my anxiety!

Yes it makes sense, trapped wind makes me crawl up in pain but it feels like a stitch and pressure in my upper stomach untill i pass...:roflmao: