View Full Version : Anxiety and panic are really bad ..HELP

28-02-16, 10:40
My anxiety is sky high and constant panic attacks due to my period. I'm on 30mg of mirtazipine but still it's out of control. Doctor also gave me lorazepam to take as and when needed but I'm scared to take it as I've got two children at home and worried I won't be able to function. Can someone please help?

28-02-16, 16:10
My anxiety is really bad when I get my period. I suggest taking lorazepam as anxiety pretty much renders you unable to function when it gets bad. At least you will feel a bit calmer

28-02-16, 16:13
Thank you. Been struggling to get through today. Kids are arguing and fighting and my anxiety getting worse, I've had to take myself off to my bedroom to escape

28-02-16, 16:36
I'm on the pill now and rarely get a period but when I do, my anxiety, OCD and depression all flare up just before I am due. The same happened before I was on the pill and just had a natural period every month. The pill could be an option if your anxiety and moods get a lot worse around this time of the month if you aren't already on it.

28-02-16, 16:46
I was thinking about the pill but was really just hoping that their would be a glimmer of hope that their is something I can take to stop all this anxiety and panic :weep: I'm a single mum of 3, I need my life back, I need to be a mum