View Full Version : Recovery/coming off medication - HA flare up...

28-02-16, 11:48
Hi all

Apart from the odd 'wobble' my HA seems pretty dormant at the moment.

I've been taking Sertraline for 18 months (50mg increased to 150mg) and have had CBT and psychodynamic therapy. All of this has been key in my ongoing recovery from health anxiety/generalised anxiety.

The Sertaline causes issues for me (personal ones to do with the bedroom!) and also I have gained around 14lbs! About two weeks ago I decided to start tapering off.

I haven't spoken to my doctor because I know they will tell me to stay on it, I really do want to come off it now. Anyway, I went straight down to 100mg from 150mg over a week ago and apart from 2 days last week where I took nothing (NEVER again, I felt terrible) I haven't had any 'severe' physical withdrawal symptoms (although yesterday I had awful headaches, dizziness and head zaps).

I don't really know what to do cause I know my HA is rearing its head again! Last night, my other half said he had been feeling a bit under the weather and my old habits are coming back... I actually told him I was worried he was dying (what an awful thing to say to someone!) yet this morning, I feel much calmer?

I know I have probably done the wrong thing tapering down to 100mg the way I did, but I really want to come off these tablets as the weight-gain has got me down (the weight-gain has happened because the Sertraline makes me ravenous!)

Some friendly, non-judgemental advice/support would be greatly appreciated. I haven't been in my GP surgery at all this year and I am keen to stay out as I find it triggering just being in the waiting room!

Thanks xxx