View Full Version : Health Anxiety - Brain Tumour - Help :(

28-02-16, 14:38
Hey people :)
For the past 5 years i feel like i have been living in a bubble with school, work and social interaction. 4-5 years ago i went to the doctor as i have kinda swollen glands/i can feel them at the back of my head as two lumps each side which turned out to fine. Ever since then i have been worried that i have a brain tumour ever since.

Some days are worse than others and i find my self on google looking for symptoms. I have not experienced a fit, black out or seizures just daily headaches and sometimes a dizzy spells.

Are headaches just from anxiety ??
(18 years old )

28-02-16, 14:47
From experience with others if you have a cancerous brain tumour then you get very severe symptoms in a short space of time. Eye exams can also pick up the signs of a brain tumour so a clear eye exam is good.

Swollen glands have no connection at all with a brain tumour but maybe you mean the swollen glands triggered your health anxiety and you are focusing on brain tumours.

Brain tumours in young people are usually very aggressive so if you have had this worry for more than a few months be reassured that you have no need to worry.

Have you discussed your fears with your Dr?

28-02-16, 20:52
I completely understand your fear, I have this fixation on the fact I have a brain tumour. Some days I am okay but others I am so determined that the headache i will be experiencing is this tumour that will cause me to be seriously ill..... My only advice is to realise that you are young (I am 23 and that is what people say to me when i express my concern) and they are very rare! If you are really concerned go back to your doctor and tell them how worried you are... hope this helps! x