View Full Version : Week 16 no improvement

28-02-16, 15:03
Hi guys

Hope you are all having a good weekend.

Just looking for a bit of advice as to where I go from here. I am suffering with GAD and obsessive thoughts.

I tried Sertraline up to 150mg with no real improvement and was moved to Citalopram. I have had 7 weeks 20mg and 9 weeks at 40 mg

I feel at moments my anxiety is so intense that I feel as though I am not taking anything for it. The only thing keeping me sane is CBT and everything which I have learnt, but I just need a little extra help from medication which I don't feel I am getting.

I have also tried Pregabalin whilst on the Citalopram with not much joy.

Am I being impatient or do you think a change is called for? Paxil has a good rep for obsessions but I don't know of anyone taking it, other options would be Escitalopram or Prozac? my GP wants to move to amitriptyline but I have no idea about that for GAD/OCD

29-02-16, 07:39
I can't really help to much with other medications as I've only ever taken cit but after 9 weeks on 40mg with no improvement would be worth a trip back to your doctor. Sometimes people have to try a few meds before they find the right one for them. Have you had any improvement from the cit?

29-02-16, 17:00
Hey Perry,
It depends what you're expecting out of it, it should offer some relief, I'd say my anxiety is reduced by a third but not more because of them.
If you feel you're getting zero out of them then you need to go back, there's LOTS of alternatives.

01-03-16, 15:58
Thanks for replies guys

Yes I feel I have such intense moments of anxiety that after 16 weeks I should be more stable. I just think it has just been through CBT and ACT which helps me. At the minute I just don't know what is coming and from what direction, I would say its not doing much and feels no different to 150mg Sertraline or adding in Pregablin.

Would you go for another SSRI? for GAD and obsessions?