View Full Version : Doctor will see you now!

28-02-16, 15:12
I know that none of us are doctors however we seem to be good at diagnosing ourselves!

So I'd like to know what people think is going on here?

Aches and pains in ribs and legs.
Lack of appetite.
Slightly enlarged spleen 13cm
Feeling very low, chills.
Arms mark easily.

Tests done....
Spine MRI, all clear.
Testicle and abdominal scan, normal expect slightly enlaged spleen.
CT scan of Kidneys and bladder...all normal.
Full blood test...normal.

It's been going on since mid December and is really distressing for myself and my family.
Interested in anyone's thoughts?

28-02-16, 16:24
Tests done....
Spine MRI, all clear.
Testicle and abdominal scan, normal expect slightly enlaged spleen.
CT scan of Kidneys and bladder...all normal.
Full blood test...normal.

It's been going on since mid December and is really distressing for myself and my family. Interested in anyone's thoughts?

That pretty much says it all. When medical science doesn't find a reason, one should look into a mental health professional for help. Frankly, it sounds like anxiety and depression.

Positive thoughts

28-02-16, 19:35
Thank you for your reply.
Anyone else think this is all 'in the mind?'

28-02-16, 20:48
Thank you for your reply.
Anyone else think this is all 'in the mind?'

For the record, I do believe you have real physical symptoms. I believe most here when they complain about an ache or a pain. I just don't believe they're caused by anything physically sinister and my belief is backed by all clears from medical professionals.

Aches, pains, joint stiffness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Muscles_muscle_tension_stiffness_muscle_t witching_tight_scalp_or_neck) etc., are common anxiety symptoms caused by added stress and tensing of muscles. Lack of appetite (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Lack_of_appetite_or_taste_a_tinny_metalli c_or_ammonia_smell_or_taste) is another common anxiety symptom. Who feels hungry when worried all the time? Feeling low?... a sign of depression (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/depression). The spleen? heck, your doctor isn't concerned nor should you be as it's not causing any issues. The arm marks? No clue but again, medical professionals are not concerned and all scientific medical tests are normal.

All that and you are posting on an anxiety forum so somewhere deep down you know this is not a physical issue.

Positive thoughts

Yorkshire born
28-02-16, 22:34
For the record, I do believe you have real physical symptoms. I believe most here when they complain about an ache or a pain. I just don't believe they're caused by anything physically sinister and my belief is backed by all clears from medical professionals.

I can't disagree with this. I've had localised head aches, pains in neck, in my arms, chest and side. Felt light headed, had no appetite, had numbness and tingling in my hands and feet, I would list more but you get the picture, and all of these are real symptoms. It's just that they're not caused by any underlying illness other than anxiety.

It's hard to listen to your doctor when you feel this way. I honesty didn't believe I was suffering from anxiety at all until I started to put the pieces together and started to see a pattern of where these destructive thoughts were coming from, but for along time I genuinely believed I was seriously ill.

Symptoms can remain for a long time and reemerge at times of stress, but the longer I had these symptoms, but stayed healthy, the more confident I became that this was anexiety. I also learnt a thing or two about other ways to cope on this site.

A big part of the healing process is to reach the point where you can start to believe that this is anexiety and start treatment for it. I know that can be hard but necessary step we have to take.

Take care :)

---------- Post added at 22:34 ---------- Previous post was at 22:20 ----------

Just a little proviso to my post. The diagnosis of anexiety is one for your doctor to make. I would never encourage anyone to ignore any of their symptoms. It's for a qualified medical professional to rule out any other causes. All I can do is share my own personal experience of my anexiety.

29-02-16, 04:57
I don't know about the spleen but other than the arm marking, the rest can be anxiety/depression symptoms but they can also be symptoms of many other issues too.

Arm marking. If you are on any antidepressants it might be related to those if you are talking about slower blood clotting and wound healing.