View Full Version : Worries about work

02-03-07, 07:55
can anyone possibly offer any advice.

I've been off work for just under 2 weeks with anxiety(this is related to personal issues as well as work). I like my job even though its stressful, one problem for me though is that I get anxious around my manager. Ive spoken to her about this and she asks what she can do to help but I dont have an easy answer. What can you do when someone intimidates you ??? Its not direct either its just a build up of small things that have happened over the last 18 months.

Ive declined the offer of going to occupational health as I dont feel that the service will help me, can an employer make you go? Im really feeling like Ive dug a hole for myself and everyone is going to be questioning my ability to do my job??? She asked me if my GP recommended anything, I said antidepressants which I declined as I preferr the alternative therapies etc. Does this make a difference? My GP thinks Im making really good progress and Im determined not to let this bout of anxiety get the better of me.
My manager is meeting her manager next week to discuss me :eek: and I will be having a return to work welfare meeting with her.

As you can see Im getting worried about work and I feel as though Ive caused problems as Im off work with anxiety. Does anyone have any advice to offer? :(

02-03-07, 12:29
Hello Pixette! :)

I was off work for six months and although my anxiety/PA wasn't directly due to work problems, my working conditions didn't help.

I too felt that my direct boss, although quite a reasonable fella most of the time, looked upon my illness as somehow self-inflicted or 'all in the mind'. This wasn't directly said to me but inferred during conversations I had with him and others, who also detected it.

You must believe that you haven't dug a hole for yourself - that's your self esteem taking a nose dive because of your illness. No employer can make an employee go because of illness - that's the law.

I can fully understand that you are worried about whether people will wonder if you can do your job properly, but that's because your confidence is low. Your doc has said you are making good progress so take that on board. And well done for doing it without anti-d's - I shouldn't think that it would make any difference whether you use mainstream medication or alternative remedies. I would give some thought to occupational health though - going there helped me by addressing my working conditions issues.

At the end of the day you have a job to do and can only do it well and to your best abillity if you feel well and your conditions allow it.

As for your manager - she seems ready to help so I'd give it another go and talk to her. I felt really nervous when I had to bring my working condition issues before my boss, but I'm so glad I did. You have to try not to let the 'small things' build up over time as they have a nasty habit of growing quite big!! A lot easier said than done though, I know.

You're half way there you know by saying "Im determined not to let this bout of anxiety get the better of me."

Don't know if this has helped - I hope it has!

Take care

lotsa luv

GG :emot-dance:
