View Full Version : Withdrawal

28-02-16, 22:00
Hi there, I am a 65 year old man ...in 2002 I had two nervous breakdowns, spent time in the Priory and was prescribed Venlafaxine twice a day 150mg per tablet.
Last year I decided that the time had come to wean myself of it and coped admirably on just one tablet a day.
Now I am going further and am down to three a week. No anxiety, no depresiion and a sunny outlookon life. However I have some symptoms and wonder if these are connected to the withdrawal. I perspire heavily, not all the time but episodic and sometimes go light headed. If I'm watchinga sentimental film I fillup...but not in a sad way...just emotion. Is what I am experiencing normal ? Has anyone else been through it /

29-02-16, 17:29
The symptoms you discribe sound like withdrawal symptoms.

Can I ask why you want to come off the medication when you feel so good?

01-03-16, 14:51
I don't like medication..would love to cope without.

01-03-16, 15:27
I think everyone would, but it's important to understand what part medication plays in you feeling good right now. I've come off antidepressants twice. Both times, I managed for a short while without them, but then had to go through the trauma of getting on to them again - which is what I'm doing now.