View Full Version : Loud ringing and brief deafness

29-02-16, 00:58

Im really worried about the random ringing in my ears which causin slight deafness. I have suffered with ringing n clickin n studf but this scsres me and i remember that happens as u pass out. ive heard people describe it so its worrying me that im going to pass out which then makes me worry its my heart.

As anyone else suffered with this.

Thanks for reading x

29-02-16, 09:47
I get this a lot but I suffer from Meinere's disease. I've never passed out from hearing any of those noises or when I go a bit deaf. The noises you are hearing is probably fluid or air in your ear. Its worth getting checked over by your doctor as you might have an ear infection or maybe even Meinere's disease but it doesn't sound serious either way.

01-03-16, 20:09
I've had ear probs since early December.. hissing/tinnitus, clicking, severe pain, itching.. it had all stopped now bar the hissing but despite trips to my GP, ENT, Audiology plus CT/MRI scans and ear tests, all they can find is slight hearing loss in my left ear, which I've known about for almost 9 years anyway:shrug:

Since I've stopped focusing on my ears this past couple of weeks, even the hissing doesn't trouble me until I remember it.

Hope this helps? xxxxxx