View Full Version : Waking up with heart racing

29-02-16, 09:02
Hi everyone

I am now waking up to heart beating fast, not every morning though. It scares me, I'm no youngster!! I have heart beating fast when I'm overly anxious or when having a panic attack but I haven't woke up with it before. If it was anxiety why would it be there when I woke up? I remember I am dreaming when I wake up like that. I also feel like burping and like I have wind around the chest and stomach area.

It's very frightening waking up like this, I think my heart rate is never going to go down and I am checking my pulse all the time.

I end up feel shaky and weak. I suppose it could be anxiety or it could be something physical wrong with my heart especially at my age. Very very scary!!


29-02-16, 09:45
I get this a lot and as long as you have been examined by your doctor and he finds nothing wrong with your heart, then it will be anxiety especially if you are highly anxious, panicky or stressed during the day. Anxiety doesn't stop when we sleep! It may feel like it sometimes but it takes days or sometimes weeks to calm down a body that has been subjected to so much adrenaline over the course of a long time.

Every time I get it, I worry that my heart will never calm down and it'll burst out my chest, especially when it happens as soon as I wake up because you are still half delirious from waking and then this hits you out the blue. I had it this morning and I felt really weak and jittery for about half an hour after it. I find that being hungry and having low blood sugar or being dehydrated makes it worse too.

It is wise to get checked over by your GP if you haven't already, mainly just to put your mind at rest.

29-02-16, 11:02
I'm been experiencing this for the first time recently too (I'm 38) and woke up with it today again. I've experienced anxiety all of my life, but have always slept fairly well so it's a new, unpleasant symptom. I don't know why it happens when we first wake up, I can only guess that it's some kind of annoying subconscious process. I feel jittery and weak for some time after it happens too.

I'm fairly certain mine is down to anxiety, but I'd definitely agree with GingerFish about seeing your doctor to put your mind at rest if you're worried x

29-02-16, 16:18
Me too BettyBoop. So it must be that old devil; Anxiety! x

03-03-16, 02:54
Thank you for you replies guys. I've been thinking since I was a lil girl that I have a heart problem :weep::weep: and lung problem :weep::weep::weep: Sooooo sick of it tbh. They used to call it "cardiac and respiratory neurosis"......only God know what they call it now lol!! :wacko::wacko:

Don't wanna go to docs, hate docs and hospitals etc :lac::lac:


03-03-16, 13:57
Don't wanna go to docs, hate docs and hospitals etc :lac::lac:

I agree BettyBoop, they make me worse!!!! :scared15:

03-03-16, 14:59
I agree BettyBoop, they make me worse!!!! :scared15:

Hi Carnation, how are you getting on with the esa claim?

03-03-16, 15:18
I haven't heard anything BettyBoop. :dry: