View Full Version : I'm back!!!

29-02-16, 14:44
So since I've bee taking effexor my HA has been pretty good I still worry from time to time but it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be.

However the last week or so I've not been feeling good and now I'm starting to fret again.

I've been having headaches on and off for a week or so but I've had days without them and I have been changing my diet quite a lot (eating more healthy) so I put it down to that.

Towards the end of last week I started to feel a bit light headed/jelly legs and noticed I would get headrushes when standing up sometimes. Again I tried to ignore it as I kept feeling like I was getting a cold so thought perhaps my sinuses were acting up.

I went out for a meal on Saturday evening with my family and within half an hour of getting in I started to feel really nauseous. I then preceeded to spend the next couple of hours in and out the bathroom constantly vomitting and with awful stomach cramps/diarrhoea etc.

So I thought I either had eaten something that wasn't right or I'd picked up a stomach virus. I'm more inclined to think it was what I'd eaten as no one around me has had a stomach bug and they are normally quite contagious.

Thing is the vomitting has stopped but today I woke at 5am with the most excrutiating headache, I took some painkillers and it went off a bit but it's still there and I took some more tablets a couple of hours ago.

I keep telling myself I'm probably dehydrated as I was only sipping lemonade yesterday (couldn't face water) and it's more than likely that but I'm worrying about Brain Tumours because of the head pressure/lightheadedness etc last week.

The other thing that worried me was on Saturday I went to the gym for the first time in months and literally within a couple of minutes I felt really nauseaus and clammy. Now it could have been beause I was coming down with something and because I'm very unfit but I just seem to be focusing on the fact that all in all I've been feeling a bit off with head symptoms for a week or so now.

Does this just sound like a normal bug??
