View Full Version : Does anyone else have this problem?

Freaky Chick
02-03-07, 09:52
Just wondering if anyone else found this a problem? Cos i can't find anything on search, but then i might be typing in the wrong term!

Since i got unwell, i find i have problems talking. I can write stuff down, but i can't verbalise what i want to say.

It's really annoying, as when i do manage to concentrate on my breathing i can occasionally stutter a few syllables.

I'm fine with a few people, or after meeting the person for a few times, or if my support person is there - but It really drives me nuts.

I can't function well in shops or restaurants and can't even get through the doors of my church without a huge panic attack as well!

It's not even voluntary mutism, because i want to say stuff, but then if i try and force words out, i forget what i was going to try and say. It's really frustrating.

Anyone else had this or something similar?

Freaky chick

02-03-07, 13:50
i can understand what you mean,i sometimes go over what i want to say to people in my head, then dont no where to begin when i try to say it,or it all comes out wrong,or i remember parts of what i wanted to say but cant string it together,if that makes sense.othertimes i clam up.im sure its because im busy anaylising every word im going to say,do you find you do that,

hope it helps to no your not alone,charlotte

03-03-07, 09:45
yes,i have that exact problem.the more that i get worked up about talking to someone,particularly if its an important conversation,the more i talk a load of crap.then i feel really selfconscious and anxious which reinforces the anxiety.Its hard to get out of this cycle i find.I am trying at the moment to care a lot less about what other people think about me,which has reduced my anxiety and hence the babbling.Although i have a very important conversation to have with someone next week,and im terrified,mainly because i have an attachment to this person.The less i care about a person,the less anxious i feel.anyone got any advice on how to broach a conversation with someone whos sent me a confusing email,which made me feel really upset,as i dont want to get upset when i talk to them,but i have a lot of strong feelings about whats happened between us.i am also worried that what she will say might upset me further.i also rehea**e what im going to say to someone in advance,which helps me to become slightly less anxious.Does anyone every find that you can be talking to someone and feeling quite relaxed,then they say something that you dont expect them too,which totally throws you,then you dont know how to respond.A i get that a lot,any advice? its not always easy just to lety go of the anxiety etc.

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