View Full Version : 2 white spots on front top right of gums ! Please someone help me

29-02-16, 16:41
Desperate for some kind words ! After waves of panic attacks

I noticed today I have 2 tiny white spots on top right of my gums , the gum area a little inflamed . Absolutely petrified im being sick !

They are tiny don't think it's ulcer as they are so small and not sore !

I'm 30 years old don't drink and never smoked !

Please someone

21-03-16, 13:00
Could be a number of things, I've currently got one on my bottom teeth next to my canine tooth which I'm assuming has joined the party of ulcers in my mouth. Try gargling with salt water, if that doesn't improve in 3-4 days make an appointment with your dentist as they are the best with these things.

23-03-16, 23:58
It sounds like an oral thrush. Very common oral fungal infection called candidiasis. Easy curable with nystatin. Don't panic.