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29-02-16, 16:45
Hi all

Having a wobble today cause this morning I started bleeding down below. I only had my last period 3 weeks ago. I have period cramps and back ache.

I have a Mirena Coil and rarely have a period, just the odd bleed.

I am worrying now over gynae cancers. I am tapering off Sertraline at the moment and I think this is why my worries are coming back (I have also been worrying about family members and my other half which I used to do a lot when I was really bad with the health anxiety).

Feel in a horrible place at the moment like I can't just relax. I feel like there is always SOMETHING nagging at me, some worry over my health or someone elses and this awful sense that something terrible is going to happen to someone I love.

Feeling pressured at work and also with a community group I help out with (I am having a hard time with another helper at the group and also the group is taking up a lot of my spare time now)

I am worried I am drinking too much. I drink a bottle of wine to myself about 3-4 times a week and I try to have at least 2 days where I don't drink anything at all. When I don't drink, I feel a LOT better - but sometimes my anxiety is so bad I feel having a drink makes me feel better in the short term (I know its a bad idea)

Just feeling a bit put on and overwhelmed and now I have this period and I feel terrified it might be a sign of some form of cancer. I have regular smears and I have an abdominal and trans-vaginal scan about 18 months ago and everything is clear.

I suffer with endometriosis and I know the fact my tummy aches and bleeds even though I have the Mirena might be down to that.

Sorry, just feeling stressed and needed to offload.

29-02-16, 17:13
Hi hun, I'm on the mini pill and have irregular bleeds. Like you I get the lower back pain, when I had my son my labour pains were in my back too not my front.
We've talked about the alcohol too in the past, I'm still on my two glasses every night, try setting rules for yourself that you're comfortable with, for example I won't drink before 8:30pm, I go to bed at 10:30 so I don't have a lot of time to drink too much. Sometimes by 8:30, I really need that drink cause I've had a bad day, work stresses, family stresses etc. Other days it gets to after 9:00pm before I even think about having a glass of wine. Even when I've had the bad day, I won't break the 8:30 rule as I'm scared of my alcohol use creeping up.
If you're starting to feel your stress levels rise, can you take some leave from the voluntary work until you feel stronger and to give you a break from the problems there?

01-03-16, 15:57
Thanks for your reply.

I am worried about ovarian cancer :( I had an abdominal scan about 18 months ago, surely it would have shown up then? I am worried cancer has grown since :( I am too young though surely if I am 32? The problem is my endometriosis on my bladder and bowels shows same symptoms as ovarian cancer which worries me :( I had these symptoms before my scan though.

Struggling with the drinking because I find it relaxes me so much and it feels like a 'treat'. I really like your strategy of not drinking 'til 8:30... for me my trigger time for drinking is 6/7pm when I get in from work. I find it hard just to have 'the one drink' cause one glass of wine isn't enough for me to get the feeling of relaxation - I need the bottle.

Backed away from some of my voluntary stuff today so got a bit more free time now so that helps with the stress levels.

Worrying I have come down off my medication too soon :( I REALLY don't wanna go to the doctors cause I hate being in the waiting room and I am scared of going to the drs with anything physical now cause I don't want blood tests/examinations/scans as I am so scared of them finding anything. BUT, I know if I want to get better from my anxiety I need to do it under the supervision of the doctor so gonna ring up now.

Time to sort my sh*t out I think.


01-03-16, 16:02
I'm not good at saying 'no' to myself which is why I have the 8:30 compromise.
From what I understand, cervical cancer is slow growing hence the 3 year gaps for our smears. I've had precancerous cells removed previously and all been fine since then.
Pleased you've backed off a bit from something that was stressing you.
Did you reduce your medication or was it at your Dr's advice?

04-03-16, 10:02
Thank you xx

I think I need to stop altogether, I don't think I can control it any more and I feel like it controls me. I had a big meltdown the other night and told my other half exactly how I feel. He agrees with me that I have a problem with it. I am going to talk to my doctor about and also about my medication (I reduced it against GP advice, they advised stay on it for at least 6 months after I start feeling better, and even said stay on it when I am trying for a baby/am pregnant cause the benefits of me being on it outweigh the risks to the baby!) xx