View Full Version : feel little lumps above pubic bone

29-02-16, 16:48
Anyone else feel little lumpy bits above the pubic bone? Because I was told they can feel lymph nodes in my groin I went checking-now not sure if these are normal or not. i am quite thin. Anyone else feel these?

29-02-16, 16:52
Totally normal. I had anxiery over these for while. Some of us can feel majority of our lymph nodes. I have them all over! As long as they aren't bigger than a kidney bean, can move and are rock hard you're ok. Don't poke them either because you can aggravate them, making them larger, adding the panic.

29-02-16, 17:03
Thanks do they feel tender after poking them too?

29-02-16, 17:48
They do. But most of it will be hypersenstivity. Like the doctor told me, poke any part of your body long and often enough and will ache. He was lovely and convinced me. I was in years when I went in. I just have another Anxiety now ha.