View Full Version : swollen lymph node on back of head?

29-02-16, 17:01
Hello all, I've been doing really well with my anxiety but lately I've felt a bit ill and last night my neck started hurting. Where the bottom of your head meets your neck. It feels really achey and I've noticed a small lump its barely anything but its hard. The area is swollen and as a baker I get a stiff neck alot. I have never had this before though and I'm starting to panic as I went to doctor google because i caved now I cant atop thinking about it. Anybody had anything like this? Xxx

29-02-16, 17:10
Yep loads of times, I have had them on my skull just behind ear as well, its amazing where these nodes are!!
If you have any sort of infection then its normal for your nodes to swell, I cut my gum on a sharp crisp and a day later the node under my jaw was really painful for a week before going away.
If you get really bad infection like when I had chickenpox as an adult then the nodes where yours is up were huge with me and they stayed up for next 10 years. If I poked and prodded them they got bigger and painful but did eventually go away. This is normal after bad infection.

So don't prod and poke:) check again in a few days and see if any bigger or more painful. If it continues to grow and get more painful then it would be sensible to see a Dr because you could have an infection in the area that could need treating but I bet you it will have gone away within a couple of weeks.

You really don't need to worry about any lymphomas etc.

29-02-16, 17:17
Thanks country girl I think I know it will probably be a bad neck and in turn its made the lymph a bit tend but you know how the mind likes to remind you what it could be. I'll stop prodding and check in a couple of days. Xxx

29-02-16, 17:47
Don't prod! I did this to mine in the exact same place and it got larger. It's still there now six months later. I saw a doctor who can't feel anything at all... But don't prod it. I was obsessed with my lymph nodes. I'm one of those who I can feel most of mine; abs, groin, neck, chin.

08-03-16, 19:20
Hey guys, I'm really freaked out and in need of some support. I've had a huge amount of anxiety symptoms the past year or so, the most prominent of which was my chest pain (tightness, sometimes shooting). Doctors have looked (A&E, GP & Urgent care) but don't believe anything is wrong. Anyway, recently I had a really nasty virus which practically floored me for a week. I noticed (I think during the virus) some discomfort in my lower back which I forgot about due to feeling crappy at the time and not really caring. I got better and it's about a week and a bit after the virus, I've now noticed my lower back is tender and it looks like a swollen lymph node. I did go to to the doctor who didn't think it was massively abnormal, I also told him I had some really bad sinus pressure during my virus and he believe I've still got a sinus infection secondary to the initial virus. He's prescribed antibiotics. The only problem is I CANNOT get the thought of the swollen Lymph node out of my mind, it's making me panic, I can't eat because of the fear it might be Lymphoma or something else just as horrific. I know I need to wait until the end of the course of antibiotics or even a bit after that but I am not a patient person and my anxiety is out of control at the moment (family stresses I think caused this). I'd appreciate some kind words as I am struggling to do anything at the moment, I'm basically an empty chair at work at the moment.