View Full Version : Missed dose - help!

29-02-16, 19:31
Really need a bit of reassurance before I start freaking out!
I normally take my 10mg Citalopram at about 7/8pm in the evening (about now) but I've moved house today and left my tablets in the kitchen drawer. There's no way I can get to my tablets until tomorrow morning.
Am I going to be OK, or am I going to wake up tomorrow feeling really dreadful??
Rationally I'm thinking it's only a low dose and I've only been on them for 24 days but I just need to hear it from someone else or know to prepare myself for any bad feelings x

29-02-16, 19:40
Hi you will be fine.

Personally I would take one tomorrow morning and then maybe take tomorrow nights a bit later than normal.

Alan S
29-02-16, 19:43
You'll be fine especially as you'll be sleeping. When I missed 20mg doses the worst thing I had was brain zaps. :)

29-02-16, 19:52
Thanks guys.
I have constant brain zap anyway so will just be a normal day at the office for me then :winks:

01-03-16, 05:44
From Drugs.com:

What happens if I miss a dose?

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose. Do not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose.

Just remember Citalopram has a longer half life for a SSRI at 36 hours. If you take 2 the same day you could be pushing yourself beyond your 10mg dose and that may mean side effects.

01-03-16, 21:26
Yeah I didn't take the missed dose because I didn't want to take 2 tablets in a day, just took my normal 7pm dose. I actually had the best day I've had in weeks today, my boyfriend commented that I was much more relaxed and happy, I didn't feel anxious at all and had a really enjoyable day. Surely that's nothing to do with having no Citalopram for over 36 hours? It must be a coincidence?