View Full Version : Just had MRI scan - now I'm terrified

29-02-16, 21:20
Hi everyone,

I understand nobody here is a doctor so perhaps this thread won't do me any good, but if there's any possibility of reassurance, I could use it. I've just been for an MRI scan and have to wait 2-3 weeks for results. I'm terrified of what it will reveal.

My story starts with what I think was a panic attack at work. I was just sitting at my desk working when I felt a slight loss of sensation in my arm. The next thing I know, I can barely breathe and I feel like I'm passing out. I don't actually pass out, but it feels close. My vision goes foggy and everybody looks and sounds miles away. Paramedics arrive and check me over and I do improve, so they leave without me.

Anyway, I spend the next few days utterly freaked out, convinced I'm dying or losing it. The weird panic feelings return, although never quite as bad. I eventually get admitted to hospital. They give me blood tests, a CT scan, a urine test and a neurological exam. I'm also hooked up to a heart monitor for 30 hours. Then I'm discharged. The notes say preliminary diagnosis: panic brought on by hyperventilation, subsequently followed by anxiety.

The problem is, things keep changing. One minute, I think I have one thing, the next another. My head in particular feels constantly weird. Sometimes I feel so walled off from my emotions I think I'm losing it. In the last two days, I've felt on the verge of tears, but like it's a symptom rather than a normal emotional reaction. I feel spaced out, unable to concentrate, my vision is off, my whole head just feels wrong. Sometimes I have what I think are brain zaps but feel more like sudden, split second losses of full consciousness. Like I'm not with it for a tiny moment. My legs constantly feel like jelly and my appetite has died.

I'm terrified I have a brain tumour or early onset dementia or something like that. The thing is, although this all came on suddenly, I've actually been having weird head rushes for years. These involve a feeling of adrenaline, a sudden rush of images in my head, sweating and a raised heart beat. They never scared me, though. They actually felt quite nice and would come roughly once every month or so. I shouldn't have dismissed them, but I did. Do they sound like panic attacks? I went undiagnosed with depression for years until I admitted it after this all started. I'm guessing it's possible I've had this problem for longer than I realise.

But the weird head feelings are making me think I'm dying or have a serious neurological problem. I've been on 50mg Sertraline for a month and have just been upped to 100mg, and I'm also taking beta blockers.

Even as I type this, my eyes are doing a weird darty thing where they won't focus. I've had blurred long vision on and off for two years, which may or may not be related.

I'm so scared. Does any of this even sound like it could just be anxiety?

29-02-16, 21:33
Does any of this even sound like it could just be anxiety?

Every bit of it does, especially the official diagnosis ... The notes say preliminary diagnosis: panic brought on by hyperventilation, subsequently followed by anxiety.

Sounds like they're doing the MRI to cover their butts.

Positive thoughts

29-02-16, 21:37
Thanks Fishmanpa.

They were going to discharge me without even arranging an MRI. It was only the panic and the fact I said the letters MS (it was what I feared at the time) that made the nice doctor say 'you can have an MRI if it will make you feel better'.

It's just the head weirdness that's scaring me. It feels so odd. Almost indescribable. Hopefully, it if comes back clear, I'll be able to believe them. I haven't (so far) freaked out about my heart since having it monitored.

29-02-16, 21:57
The mri will be the definitive test and if that comes back clear then you can stop worrying about neuro diseases.
Have a look a list of anxiety symptoms on the side menu and I think you will be ticking most of them!
Just because symptoms are caused by anxiety does not mean they aren't real and horrible.

29-02-16, 23:24
Hey there. Been there, done that... It definitely sounds like anxiety and panic to me. When I have been through my worst episodes I get everything you say. Derealization, weakness, tingling, eye problems, brain zaps you name it. The thing is, I eventually get around to a clearer way of thinking and all of those symptoms disappear or become background noise to the point that I think everyone gets these things in one way or another but realizes they're not significant and ignore it.

You may also be adjusting to your medicine and it's causing some issues, or perhaps Sertraline isn't right for you. There are other kinds of medication you can try if this persists, just work with your doctor to get the right solution.

The MRI should give you some peace of mind, but after that you need to realize the sensations can definitely be brought on by panic and anxiety. Once you realize they are, you should be able to say "OK, this isn't a pleasant feeling but I know it's anxiety" and then it will go away.