View Full Version : pain in chest area

29-02-16, 21:33
Hi I am after some advice please for the last few days I have had a ache pain in my chest it is in my left breast area inside area towards the middle it also feesl tender to touch all the chest area inside area of breasts and middle I am really worried it's something serious I did feel a bit breathlessness yesterday but I think it was a panic attack and now tonight I feel a bit lightheaded the pain is not that bad and it's not there all the time I am just feel anxious and worried it is either P E or heart related any advice would be great thanks x

29-02-16, 23:09
i get pains like that sometimes too. I had it checked out to be sure it wasn't anything and the Dr said I was fine. Have you ever had anything like this before?

Anxiety causes all sorts of weird symptoms. if you can try and think back to when the pains started. Were you breathing fast, slow, holding your breath? Those things effect my chest.

29-02-16, 23:31
Hi thanks for your reply yes I have had this before but I always worry that it is serious this time,I have been under a lot of stress and feel very tense and my breathing was a bit funny yesterday x

01-03-16, 15:01
Anxiety works like that. It makes you think the worst. Give it a little time and focus on something else that you can control. Some ideas would be taking a walk, visit a friend, go to the mall and watch people. Anything to get your mind thinking of something else.

You can't force yourself not to think about it, that's impossible. Some distractions will help you through it though. You are not alone! Also, don't be so hard on yourself!