View Full Version : been dumped

25-09-04, 18:19
:( boyfreind dumped me last night because he said im a loser with no hope had bad panic attake cant stop crying please help

t bennett

25-09-04, 18:23

Was this after we spoke in the chat room or before?

Sorry to hear that. A lot of people have had similar experiences with partners not understanding. I was dumped too cos the partner at the time said he couldn't cope with me and my panic. I was devastated so I know how you must be feeling right now.

Have you talked to him today atall? Perhaps it was a spur of the moment thing.

Are you all alone now? Can someone come and keep you company?


25-09-04, 18:24
hi there Twinkle,

Oh No!!! That is so harsh on you!! A partner is the one person who should be helping you through these tough times, not leaving you because of it...
No, you are NOT a loser. There are loads of people that suffer from anxiety and panic attacks - that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with you and it certainly doesn't mean that you're a loser with no hope!!
How long were you together?
Please try not to let it get you down...he should be ashamed that he has dumped you for those reasons - it is the last thing you needed, i'm sure!!
Try to pop into the chatroom later as I'm sure a chat would cheer you up!
Take care.

Sarah :D

25-09-04, 19:50
Hi Twinkle,
I'm sorry you are suffering. It must be hard for those on the outside to understand I guess but remember this you are no loser - he is the loser.
There will be more fish in the sea etc [when did I start turning into my mum god rest her soul?].

for now try and get into a good book or a film and keep telling yourself you are fine, he is the loser.
love Tess xxx

25-09-04, 20:09
I agree with everything everyone else has said, Twinkle - if your boyfriend can't accept you for who you are, then HE is the one in the wrong! Nobody is perfect, we ALL have problems, they just manifest in different ways in different people - I bet he had traits thatannoyed you too, but did you dump him over it? No!

Hang in there Twinkle - you are the innocent party in this!!

All my best,
Leah xx

~* Do what you want. Nobody else will do it for you *~

25-09-04, 23:07
Hi Twinkle ,

It is so hard for family and friends to understand this disorder, especially as tiem goes by and you don't return to normal. Most of us have had relationship strain through it .

I'm sorry he chose to leave whilst you so needed a helping hand, but in reality you will be better off without him if he is not going to be very supporting or encouraging and put you down by being so rude and judgemental .

Cry as much as you like , it'll do you good to get it all out and release calming hormones too.


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

26-09-04, 00:44
Hi Twinkle

Sorry to hear that happened. I can imagine how you are feeling and really feel for you.

His words were harsh and not true. No one is a loser when they still have hope.

Hard as it will be for you show him that without him you can still be strong.

With you all the way hon and if you need to talk you know we are all here for you.

You deserve someone who can give you what you need 24/7.

Love Sal xxxxx

26-09-04, 09:29
Hi Twinkle!

Im so sorry your partner treated you the way that he did and it is true.... some partners/family members/friends etc dont understand and find it hard to be supportive. Some people fear what they dont understand and they react by removing themselves from the situation. This isnt your fault at all and it certainly DOES NOT make you a loser!!

I showed your post to my partner and his opinion was the same as all of the above. He says you WILL get support and love from a special someone! You just might not have met him yet!!

If you do decide to talk to your partner and try to work things out, suggest that he seeks advice and help with you!! He needs to understand that you dont CHOOSE to suffer the way you do. Maybe he could take a look at this site one day. It may open his eyes, mind and heart!

Love and luck with whatever direction you choose to take!

Minny.. x

26-09-04, 17:02
Oh Twinke, I'm so sorry to hear your news :(

Please believe us, there is nothing wrong with you, sounds like your partner is the loser in all of this. Did you argue and was he trying to be mean? Sounds to me like he knew how to hit a nerve with you.

You probably won't believe this now, but you really are better off without someone like that. Only time will make things better but trust me on this, they will. I was dumped 3 times in a row before I met my husband Steve and I was in pieces, confidence shattered, didn't know how to cope by myself etc. After a while, little by little, I actually started to like it like being on my own and my confidence and self-esteem grew enough for me to meet the right person.

That person is out there for you and you will find him. In the meantime, DON'T be hard on yourself, this is not your fault. Cry lots, get together with a friend to talk it through if that will help you, go out and get a new hair do, have a long relaxing bath and generally pamper yourself - you deserve it :D

Don't forget, we're here for you.

Best wishes, love Jo xxx

26-09-04, 17:52
ow bless ur heart twinkle

dont worry, its not the end of the world, just think men are loosers (sorry if there r any men in this forum) well the horrible ones anyway

iv been dumped more times then i can think off, and i havent had a boyfriend ever since my pa arrived

keep ur chin up, ok hun!

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

26-09-04, 18:57
thanks everyone its getting easyer now but still hurt will be in chatroom later xx

t bennett

26-09-04, 22:25
Hi Twinkle

It will still hurt and will take time to get over it and you sound to be coping quite well with it. You will have good days and bad days but remember we are always her to support you hon.

Take care.

Love Sal xxxxx

27-09-04, 21:04
how u feeling today twinkle?

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

29-09-04, 00:01
Hi Twinkle

It will hurt but like you say it will get better in time. You wont get over it quickly but as long as you know we are here for you hon.

Sound like a parott but time is a great healer, cant judge how long it will take but we are with you mate.

Love Sal xxxxx

29-09-04, 11:44
Hi Twinkle,

I will say one thing for Mr Panic, he soon sorts out who your friends are.

That really is a mean thing to do and say to someone.
No wonder you are hurt.

If he can't show a bit of compassion for someone who is in distress, then I personally would tell him to [:O][Oops!] right off. (Notice how restrained I was there. ;) )

Let's hope he never becomes a doctor. His bedside manner is dreadful!

Keep your chin up mate. We care even if he doesn't.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

30-09-04, 14:55
Twinkle, where are you?

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

30-09-04, 16:58
Hello Twinkle

:( Sad to hear your not with your partner,
How are you now?


30-09-04, 20:51
Hi Twinkle

Just to let you know I'm thinking of you at this hard time ... how are you getting on hon?

Love Jo xxx

30-09-04, 21:46
he isnt worth it.... he would support you if he was.. you are worth more than that, all you were asking for was a little extra support... dont be hard on yourself!!