View Full Version : Not sure what to do in terms of my anxiety and depression any more.

01-03-16, 00:13
Hello all, hope you're all as well as you can be :)

I just wanted to write a little post to be honest. And a vent. So if no one replies, then i'm totally fine with it.

Basically, i'm struggling. A lot. I never even realised myself until today to be honest. I've had health/generalised anxiety and depression since I was 14. I've been counselling, done online courses, been on meds. It works for a while but now it's got to the point where, it's bad. I've got to the point where I don't even want to leave my bedroom pretty much ever. I have no drive to do anything and I'm constantly exhausted. I feel bad about myself all of the time too. And I basically cry all the time. It's getting awful.

I went to the doctors to try some more counselling but they turned around and basically said no one can help me any more and I have to do it myself. :shrug: all's I wanted is a bit more support if that makes sense. And it's like.. they've given up on me. I've googled a million times about how to "over come anxiety" nothing works.

Basically, my anxiety and depression is coming from a real health worry as well. I'm not worrying about things I don't have. I basically get random infections every single month, it started with UTI's. I get them every month but i've been on a low dose antibiotic. But if I don't have that, i'll get an ear infection. Sometimes a gum infection. It's getting beyond a joke. But, on the 9th March i'm getting bloods done for everything. To see if there's any reason as to why I keep getting infections. Basically, the doctor said we'll do that and go from there. I'm finding it so difficult because I'm constantly on edge about the bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics. I'm beyond petrified and I just don't know what to do anymore :weep:

I'm at a loose end and no doctor clearly isn't willing to help me. Anyways, I just needed to vent.. any tips or advice is always helpful :) thanks!

01-03-16, 00:40
Dude - you need to see another doctor! That is a ridiculous answer to give...honestly. Speak to someone else or try one of the charities - do you take meds?

01-03-16, 00:49
Dude - you need to see another doctor! That is a ridiculous answer to give...honestly. Speak to someone else or try one of the charities - do you take meds?

It is pretty crap how nothing's being done. I've seen a doctor recently who is brilliant and he's eccentric. He's the one who's finally getting me to do blood tests. After months and months of complaining to others. He basically said I should get this done, and come back and see him. Because if it is nothing, he thinks it could possibly be due to anxiety because constant worrying is going to make you run down. He gave me a score sheet thing on anxiety but I haven't seen him to give it him back yet. Because he's a lecturer at the local university he isn't in a great deal anymore. If I could see him every time I went in I totally would. It's just getting hold of him that's the issue if that makes sense.

And I am, I'm on sertraline 50mg. they're not doing a lot. I've also been on amitriptyline and some other one I can't remember ahaha

01-03-16, 00:59
Yeah I would say from your post that your anxious (with or without an underlying health cause) I would say you have a definite touch of health anxiety (although I am obviously not a doctor). If your sert isn't working you need to tell them - there are a million meds you can try which will help or maybe you need a higher dose - honestly you need to go and throw a wobbly until they listen. The fact that you are finding it difficult to leave your room shows that things aint right. If they won't help every town has a mental health crisis team - ring them x:hugs:

01-03-16, 01:02
Hopefully this is all due to anxiety and I'm sure it is. Constantly being on antibiotics is going to weaken your immune system and leave you more apt to catch colds and infections and stuff(or so I've heard). It sounds like you're moving in the right direction now, though. If you ever need to talk or anything, feel free to message me... I'm new here and could use some advice or someone to talk to from time to time!

Best wishes

01-03-16, 01:25
Yeah I would say from your post that your anxious (with or without an underlying health cause) I would say you have a definite touch of health anxiety (although I am obviously not a doctor). If your sert isn't working you need to tell them - there are a million meds you can try which will help or maybe you need a higher dose - honestly you need to go and throw a wobbly until they listen. The fact that you are finding it difficult to leave your room shows that things aint right. If they won't help every town has a mental health crisis team - ring them x:hugs:

Yeah it has all got pretty bad. I was getting better in terms of anxiety but then all this stuff started with me getting ill. And I just always fret over it. And next time I go, I think I'll definitely have a word with them about it. It's worth a shot. And I never actually knew there was a mental health crisis team. Thank you for telling me about that. I'll look into it for sure! Thank you so much xx

---------- Post added at 01:25 ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 ----------

Hopefully this is all due to anxiety and I'm sure it is. Constantly being on antibiotics is going to weaken your immune system and leave you more apt to catch colds and infections and stuff(or so I've heard). It sounds like you're moving in the right direction now, though. If you ever need to talk or anything, feel free to message me... I'm new here and could use some advice or someone to talk to from time to time!

Best wishes

Yeah that's very true indeed! I got told that too. But it's actually so hard to try and get out of this cycle. I've tried basically everything to stop getting things. Like taking vitamins etc. And nothing works :/

But yeah that'd be nice! I'd be happy to talk anyways, i'm always here if you need a chat :)

01-03-16, 05:07
Dude - you need to see another doctor! That is a ridiculous answer to give...honestly. Speak to someone else or try one of the charities - do you take meds?

It certainly is. Sadly, it's the way it is for some regions, I guess. I was referred for CBT and even they said it was very uncommon for them to do it again for someone. So, I was discharged back to my GP to be told 'you will find your own way out of this'.

The CMHT's are the next stage up...with a minimum 12 month waiting list.

Something physically wrong though and the NHS is better specced up to handle it.

01-03-16, 06:19
Your anxiety situation sounds exactly like mine! Mine is triggered by symptoms, when I get a symptom, I tend to worry about the worst possible scenario. Deep inside, if I'm being rational, I know that all my little symptoms are minor, but being a HA sufferer, logic never work.

I would encourage you to change a doctor, someone who really understands HA. I used to have a fantastic GP I go to. He's truly understanding and patient while he listened to all my woes. He constantly look for ways to help me get past the anxiety. Sometimes doing a blood test, or explaining the probability of certain illnesses in detail, or just simply reassuring me that it's just me being anxious. Sometimes all we need is a patient listener.

01-03-16, 16:57
Your anxiety situation sounds exactly like mine! Mine is triggered by symptoms, when I get a symptom, I tend to worry about the worst possible scenario. Deep inside, if I'm being rational, I know that all my little symptoms are minor, but being a HA sufferer, logic never work.

I would encourage you to change a doctor, someone who really understands HA. I used to have a fantastic GP I go to. He's truly understanding and patient while he listened to all my woes. He constantly look for ways to help me get past the anxiety. Sometimes doing a blood test, or explaining the probability of certain illnesses in detail, or just simply reassuring me that it's just me being anxious. Sometimes all we need is a patient listener.

Yeah that's true, I need someone who is willing to listen to be honest

02-03-16, 05:00
Yeah that's very true indeed! I got told that too. But it's actually so hard to try and get out of this cycle. I've tried basically everything to stop getting things. Like taking vitamins etc. And nothing works :/

Antibiotics have the undesirable effect of killing off the good bacteria too. This can cause plenty of GI issues, lower your mood, heighten anxiety, etc.

You could rebalance this with probiotics.

03-03-16, 05:05
Yeah that's true, I need someone who is willing to listen to be honest
Yup! If you'd like a listening ear, I don't mind providing one.
I would use one as well. :)