View Full Version : Why is the unknown scary

01-03-16, 06:39
Just feeling so down about the immediate future, as in the rest of this week. I have been told by my manager that no action will be taken and having admitted my error to a director who said not to worry as I don't make that many errors I am still struggling to cope and move forward.

I woke around 2am aware I was thinking about it and now I can't stop. I just feel that the whole company will know what I did and will be talking about me.

I am not in work today and will spend most of the day on my own giving me loads more time to think about it.

I am in two minds to call my manager as I need reassurance but don't want to seem obsessive. I don't know what to do, this is the first major error I have made and I pride myself on producing my work to a high standard and I am so mad that I missed something and caused all this to happen.


01-03-16, 08:11

I wouldn't call her about this, from her point of view it's unnecessary and she will be wondering why when both her and a director have stated it's not an issue.

Our perfectionist sides take a beating when this happens. I think we anxious types tend to be very hard on ourselves as well by nature. I was long before my anxiety and have had several line managers telling me this in personal reviews. It's a good thing to have commitment, but it's knowing when to recognise the unhealthy side where it's holding you back rather than moving your forward, that is important...not that I ever really felt I learned it!

Why is the unknown scary? Because we are living with too much fight or flight, and to that system it needs to understand all the variables to decide what to do, fight or flight. The unknown means it can't have what it needs and it starts to make up the details, comes to the wrong conclusions and/or looks towards the highest risks to "make sure" all the bases are covered on the more minor possibilities.

01-03-16, 08:27
Thanks Terry, will try to enjoy my day off, I am however having a school dinner with my son so not sure how good the food will be, the company will be great but maybe not the food