View Full Version : Positive fobt

01-03-16, 08:16
Hi everyone,

Posting on here stops me googling and panicking... So will use this thread to chuck down my worries. I'm currently having immune suppressing treatment for fertility. However, last week I started having a dippy belly... I've had "issues" in that area for a while, but have always just accepted it as being one of those quirks with my body.
Anyway, the discomfort is bad and quite weird. Tried to ignore it as not had it long... But because I'm being immunosuppressed I thought i would do a fobt to reassure myself and as a "just in case". Anyway, it was positive. I noticed the blood this morning when I collected the sample. So wasn't surprised at the result.

Don't know what to do.... Going to call gp... But absolutely hate doing that. I worry they'll think I'm making it up. Feeling really miserable. It feel like one thing after another. The vast majority of my anxiety are REAL issues that doctors can see etc., but the worry about it really affects me. Xxx

01-03-16, 18:18
Going to see the gp tomorrow. He said he wanted to run some tests.... What more does he want other than a positive fobt? I've put it in a freezer bag and will take it with me.

Have spent the day feeling ok. But occasionally feeling very emotional... Worried am going to have my dreams snatched away.

Reasons I think it could be bad:

- Positive fobt.
- Positive ANA for the last few years
- feeling tired
- Interesting this comes up when I'm immunological suppressed
- Grandfather had bowel cancer
-Weird and painful discomfort on left side

Reasons it isn't something:

- I worry. This I know will make my bowel symptoms worse.. Especially if I'm thinking about it.
- Started having discomfort a couple of days after discussing friend's dad illness - trigger?
- Only around 10% of people with a positive fobt have bowel c
- Im 35... Reasonably young. 6 women in 100,000 get it in my age group... That's really unlikely.
- im still regular.
- there's other things that can cause bleeding.

Jury's out!

01-03-16, 19:20
Hi, could the blood be a side effect of the drugs you're on? A friend of mine with MS takes immune suppressing drugs and she gets occasional tarry stools and was told it was caused by her medication. Would they be the same type of drugs that you're taking,although for a different issue. Also, your age us on your side. I went through a bowel c obsession about 10 years ago (one of my many fixations over the years), I was around 40 at the time and my doc said in 25 years she had never had a patient under 40 with the disease. I took great comfort from this statistic. Your pains and tiredness are almost certainly caused by stress, I get this all the time. Grandad having bc is not a first degree relative so not of relevance. Hope you get on ok tomorrow x

01-03-16, 21:09
Hiya lfc65,

Thank you for your message. I'm holding on to this being something totally benign. The medication I'm on wouldn't have that as a side effect - but thank you for thinking about it.
I know the chances of me having bc are really low... It's just the discomfort is phenomenal and won't let me forget. Yep, hope it goes ok with gp. It's all so frustrating when I just want to crack on with fertility treatment. Not very relaxing!!!

02-03-16, 11:00
Lovely experience at the GP. Had a feel of my belly, noticed it was tender on one side, gp took my blood (results tomorrow) got to do a stool sample for parasites. Not reassured, but know I'm doing all I can. Xxx

03-03-16, 22:08
So blood test was all ok...with much too-ing and fro-ing between gp, insurance and clinic I had an appointment with a private gastroenterologist this evening. It went ok, he wants to do a colonoscopy and breath test. I feel lucky to have private cover but had to explain the urgency to gp and consultant... It's not really the fact that blood came from my butt, it's everything else... The ivf and immune treatment that I'm trying to deal with on top of this. I can't move on without confirming that the blood is nothing to worry about. Xxx

05-03-16, 08:56
Colonoscopy booked for next Friday. Feeling remarkably ok and un-anxious! I am so sure this is nothing, and the bleeding is just one of those things... But can't risk it with the meds I'm on/will be on. Don't want to have an anxiety episode during ivf if I ignore this. Xxx

06-03-16, 17:28
Glad you are feeling calmer and getting Seen quickly. This time next week you will be able to completely move on and concentrate on your ivf!x

07-03-16, 07:33
Thank you lfc65. I'm def surprise myself at how un-anxious I am. I think maybe I've just had so much health rubbish thrown at me over the last few years that I'm now kind of immune! I hope so. Xxx

07-03-16, 08:44
You've definitely done the right thing by getting yourself checked over before undertaking your next treatment. Please let us know what the colonoscopy result is-best to get it done as soon as possible as you are doing so that this lessens any anticipatory anxiety. It's a very good plan of action.

07-03-16, 15:06
Thanks pulisa. It's hard to know what to do sometimes when you know you're prone to anxiety. Still doing ok and totally un-worried. Will def let you know how I get on on Fri... Xxx

07-03-16, 17:11
You're just being sensible and are giving yourself the best chance for your future treatment. Wishing you all the very best xx

13-03-16, 09:34
Hi everyone,

So I had my colonoscopy on Friday. All ok, except I have a super narrow bowel and internal haemorrhoids which a combination of both have probably been causing my symptoms. Glad it's done and was pretty un-anxious throughout. Worst part of colonoscopy was having to drink the awful movi-prep.


13-03-16, 13:20
That's very good news! I had to have an anti-sickness injection before the moviprep as some people just can't tolerate it! It's absolutely vile, isn't it!

Wishing you all the very best for your forthcoming treatment x

13-03-16, 16:26
Thank you! Pulisa - I did feel a bit unwell with the first lot... But pushed through - glad I'm not the only one who finds it awful though - husband thought I was over-reacting to the taste! It's rank!

I don't want to speak too soon, but I think I'm over the spontaneous health anxiety. I still worry about taking medicines, and I'm sure I'll get anxious with all the forthcoming jabs, but in terms of worrying about specific illnesses I think I'm doing ok. :)

13-03-16, 16:32
So glad to hear this. I was waiting on the update!

14-03-16, 09:35
Thank you itsnick! It just shows that even with red flag symptoms and having an increased risk still having a positive outcome is very likely. Hope this helps others. Xxx