View Full Version : Throat/mouth issue - sigh this again

01-03-16, 09:12
So I've had a worst sensation in my throat. Like something is always stuck on my right side. I've been put on esomeprazole for GERD/reflux/gastritis to no avail. The only thing that really relieves my throat is when I eat. I get hoarness of the throat throughout the day and my throat becomes irritated easily.

I also recently noticed a lump/bump aronud the size of a pea in my throat just next to the base of the tongue... I don't remember seeing it there before - I prodded it to try press down on it and it seemed like that area is either a bit sensitive naturally or that area hurts...

A little disconcerting and now I've told myself that I've got HPV in my throat and now my symptoms seem to align with oral cancer :(