View Full Version : Feeling low

01-03-16, 12:26
Is it normal to go a few weeks feeling great then hit a low? I've had a couple of weeks back to my usual self then this week I feel like I'm slipping backwards again.

I feel like my skin is sore and itchy like I'm constantly scratching but my friends and family are assuring me I'm not. I wonder if this is due to my anxiety and fear of something being wrong with my liver. I've had no pain for nearly 3 weeks now so I would have thought if the itching was liver related I'd feel pain?

I've also got an upset stomach and feel sick but that's going around work at the moment so I don't think that's related to my anxiety

I can't get in to see my dr for 2 weeks though I have made a phone appointment with her Thursday but I feel like I'm driving myself crazy.

01-03-16, 14:25
Have you tried E45 itch relief cream or speak with your pharmacist for anti itch cream to try to soothe it, I get sensitive itchy skin especially in the winter / spring time of year.


01-03-16, 17:07
Thank you for replying. I used some e45 cream on my hand at the weekend and that helped I'm feeling a little better now I'm home from work. I just wish I had a friend who understood how I'm feeling, I have a wonderful family and work with great people but I don't have any friends that I can sit and talk to and the ones I do don't understand

01-03-16, 17:49
I know the feeling of being alone, I feel that no-one who I see in real life fully understands how I feel and how lonely life can be.

Sorry but I never answered you first post properly yes you can go from feeling ok to suddenly feeling all anxious again. Anxiety can make you nauseous too but if you are where a bug is then that too could explain it.

Always post on here or go to the facebook page someone wil always talk to you


01-03-16, 18:01
Thank you. I've got myself really worked up today about my skin itching and feeling sore. I'm so worried it could mean something serious but I'm also wondering if it's just anxiety related and I'm feeling super sensitive because of my fears about my liver failing. Then I google and so many horrendous things come up that I start worrying about them

01-03-16, 21:46
Try to not Google as you will automatically go to worst case scenarios. Another thing have you changed washing powder recently, and you probably already do this but wash bedding in the hottest temperature you can. Also put olive oil in the bath as this can ease dry skin as can putting vaseline on it

02-03-16, 06:47
I've not changed washing powder, shower gel or anything like that. I wonder if this is all in my head. My anxiety is through the roof at the min so maybe it's all down to that? I've woken up today feeling miserable feel like giving up like I want to curl up in a ball and stay home but I know that's not possible I have a child to get ready for school and a job to go to. I just want to feel well again

02-03-16, 08:21
Hi, yep this is what happens to me. You have a good couple of weeks and think your doing really well and then it goes downhill again..I feel like my whole life will be spent feeling rubbish or waiting for the next trip downhill!

02-03-16, 09:11
Hi, yep this is what happens to me. You have a good couple of weeks and think your doing really well and then it goes downhill again..I feel like my whole life will be spent feeling rubbish or waiting for the next trip downhill!

This is what I'm like, ups and downs, been like this now for years and it is tearing me apart. Tried various AD's and none have helped much.
How long have you been like this ADW and BBR

02-03-16, 10:47
As awful as this is it's good to know I'm not alone. I've been like this since January so it's still new to me. I've made it to work today but I keep nipping off to the toilet for a cry

02-03-16, 10:54
I've been like this most my life. I'm 39, and for last few years it seems to be getting worse. I've tried allsorts of treatments and none help. I function and have a job and make it in every day, but inside I can be screaming. It is getting harder and harder and the bad episodes seem to last longer

02-03-16, 10:56
Since I was a teenager so several years now but the ups and downs have got worse and more frequent in the 3 years and just seem to get worse

---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 ----------

I hate it when you're tearing up when people are around and you have to rush off to deal with it bakedbeansrule!

02-03-16, 11:23
Since I was a teenager so several years now but the ups and downs have got worse and more frequent in the 3 years and just seem to get worse

---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 ----------

I hate it when you're tearing up when people are around and you have to rush off to deal with it bakedbeansrule!

Sanp, do you take any meds to help?

02-03-16, 12:51
Luckily I've settled down a little now, half was through the day. I'm taking 50mg of sertraline

02-03-16, 13:24
I quite often find that, as day goes on things gets a bit easier

02-03-16, 18:50
I managed to stay at work today which has made me feel good as there were a few times I was thinking I'd have to come home. Hope your days went ok?

02-03-16, 19:14
Well done! I turned up to work at 7 am only to find he had swapped my shifts so Im working tomorrow and Friday instead. I was feeling really.awful this morning I was a complete wreck but now I'm back to square one with two days of work to go. Today has been spent worrying about work and feeling sick with anxiety.

02-03-16, 19:24
Oh no can they just change your shifts without telling you? Does your work know how your feeling? Can they help at all?

02-03-16, 19:27
Well it was a genuine mistake on their part I think but it really affects me when Im out of routine. I'm due a HR meeting because I've had too much time of sick. Work do know because I had a breakdown last July but have not been that supportive really.

03-03-16, 07:14
All I can suggest is be totally honest with them and tell them how you feel. I think they have to tread carefully with things like anxiety. Hope today goes well for you

03-03-16, 07:40
Yes I keep having teary momemts at work too

03-03-16, 11:56
Yesterday I was teary quiet and just wanted to be on my own and today it's like boom I'm rushing around, can't get my words out fast enough and a completely different person. I did speak to my dr today who thinks all the symptoms I've been having this week is down to my anxiety and I should ride it out for a week or 2 and see how I feel then. I had some awful dreams last night and woke up with my heart beating silly fast but that's stopped now and it's just the after shakes if that makes sense?

03-03-16, 12:15
Yesterday I was teary quiet and just wanted to be on my own and today it's like boom I'm rushing around, can't get my words out fast enough and a completely different person. I did speak to my dr today who thinks all the symptoms I've been having this week is down to my anxiety and I should ride it out for a week or 2 and see how I feel then. I had some awful dreams last night and woke up with my heart beating silly fast but that's stopped now and it's just the after shakes if that makes sense?

Are you on any meds?

03-03-16, 14:29
Are you on any meds?

Yes 50mg of sertraline

03-03-16, 15:27
could see about getting dose upped to help

03-03-16, 17:56
Yesterday I was teary quiet and just wanted to be on my own and today it's like boom I'm rushing around, can't get my words out fast enough and a completely different person.

Do you often have such a quick change, BBR? x

03-03-16, 18:10
I think that's the way I'll be heading in a couple of weeks if things are still the same. I've had a really good day at work but now I'm home I'm starting to feel like I can't relax maybe some time on my cross trainer will help tonight.

---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ----------

Do you often have such a quick change, BBR? x

No not really, I've always had a bit of anxiety but could deal with it ok then after Xmas I thought there was something wrong with my liver and I went on a real downward spiral for a couple of weeks that's when I started the sertraline and had a few down days but nothing like yesterday. I've had a tummy bug this weekend and noticed that my skin is a bit itchy so yesterday I was worried it was my liver again but I spoke to my dr today and she said the itching is probably to do with the bug and I'm more sensitive because I'm feeling anxious plus if it was liver related the pain wouldn't come and go it would be constant and getting worse so I think that helped me today

03-03-16, 21:26
Is it normal to go a few weeks feeling great then hit a low? I've had a couple of weeks back to my usual self then this week I feel like I'm slipping backwards again.

I feel like my skin is sore and itchy like I'm constantly scratching but my friends and family are assuring me I'm not. I wonder if this is due to my anxiety and fear of something being wrong with my liver. I've had no pain for nearly 3 weeks now so I would have thought if the itching was liver related I'd feel pain?

I've also got an upset stomach and feel sick but that's going around work at the moment so I don't think that's related to my anxiety

I can't get in to see my dr for 2 weeks though I have made a phone appointment with her Thursday but I feel like I'm driving myself crazy.

I could have written this, except my issues are ENT rather than liver xx :hugs:

04-03-16, 06:44
I could have written this, except my issues are ENT rather than liver xx :hugs:

Do you have the same symptoms with anxiety or others? My dr hasn't really explained what's normal to be feeling and what's not, if anything is? I dunno if that makes sense? I guess everyone's different

04-03-16, 09:19
Do you have the same symptoms with anxiety or others? My dr hasn't really explained what's normal to be feeling and what's not, if anything is? I dunno if that makes sense? I guess everyone's different

I've had lots of anxiety symptoms.. there are so many. Yesterday it was random twitching as was tired, plus kept shivering. I keep coming out in little spots as well. Have had the "heavy heart" feeling.. plus the usual stuff.

Have had bloods, CT, MRI, eye tests, cognitive tests, all since December and nothing shows. Because keep getting random symptoms, never sure what is anxiety and what is just my body having a moment! xx

04-03-16, 10:33
That's really good that the tests are all clear. I was offered a blood test to put my mind at ease about my liver but I cancelled it as the pain had gone. The itching has settled a bit today and I'm feeling good just a little anxious but I guess that's something I have to get use to now