View Full Version : Feel like i am leaning!!

01-03-16, 12:35
Does anybody else get the feeling of being off balance where they feel they are leaning to one side and might fall over.

I have been getting this on and off for some time, some times I have to lean against something to hold myself up because I worry I will fall.

I find myself concentrating to even walk in a straight line sometimes.
it can happen a couple of times a day to several times a day.
It is making me nervous to go out anywhere.

I am very anxious at the moment and I am not sleeping very well so I am feeling very tired all the time so I am sure this not helping either.
Just wondering if anybody has had/have this feeling and any thing that might help.

02-03-16, 21:34
Yes I do get that and it coincides with periods when I'm feeling particularly stressed.

Lasts a few seconds to a few minutes then subsides but it can happen a few times in a day. Its the anxiety symptom that bugs me the most.

02-03-16, 21:53
The thing with this symptom is the more you worry about it, the worse it gets. It's a vicious circle, being afraid to go out means less exercise to ultimately help you sleep, less daylight to help you sleep. ...and not sleeping doesn't help the off balance feeling.
Try to get out a little bit each day and gradually increase it, I'm sure that will help :)

04-03-16, 10:07
My sleep pattern is out these few weeks too..I sometimes get a slight feel of leaning to the left but I do know I have tension sometimes in the left SCM muscle side of neck.

04-03-16, 11:11
Thinking mine might be due to neck tension.

Every morning I wake up with a stiff aching neck and it is there most of the day.

Not sure what I can do about it though.

I did read somewhere that neck tension can cause an off balanced/dizzy feeling, just wish there was something I could do to ease it.
The anxiety obviously isn't helping as the worse it is the more I am aware of it and worry about it.
Its a vicious circle.

04-03-16, 11:26
Thank goodness im not alone. Typical sighn of anx