View Full Version : So fed up of feeling this way!!

01-03-16, 13:42
I'm just so so fed up of feeling anxious and depressed and obsessing over things all the time.
I was doing ok until last week my wisdom teeth started hurting again and it reminded me I have to have them out. I was meant to have them out under general in December 2014 but I had a cold so it was cancelled and I've just never rearranged it. But I know I need to have them out cos of the pain they give me. I'm just so scared of having a general anaesthetic and that I won't wake up from it. I'm scared of even having to go into the hospital.

Its just a vicious circle. I feel depressed because of my anxiety and feel like I cant cope with continuously worrying about everything and living with all the uncertainty life has to offer :-(

01-03-16, 14:57
I know exactly how you are feeling. Sometimes it all just gets too much to deal with. But be assured there is always light at the end of the tunnel, we have lots of downs but we have ups too.

Hang in there :-) you aren't on your own X

Skkyee x

01-03-16, 15:46
Thank you :-)
Right now I feel like there isn't any light at the end of the tunnel :-( xxx

01-03-16, 16:50
I've been told I need to have my wisdom teeth out as well. I'm terrified of general anesthesia too. Even though the odds are against anything bad happening, I just can't shake the fear. I also have been told to have my gallbladder out, but since I'm not having any severe attacks, I've tried to avoid it. Mostly due to the anesthesia fear. I've heard you can have the wisdom teeth out without general anesthesia, but I'm sure most oral surgeons wouldn't want to do it that way. I might still ask when it comes time to do it. I've heard about good and bad experiences without the anesthesia. I hope all goes okay for you, I'm sure it will.

01-03-16, 16:52
I have the same issue with my wisdom teeth. I've been putting it off since 2010 when they first said I needed them out! I'm being referred back to the hospital by my dentist but I'm also terrified of general anaesthetic.

01-03-16, 16:56
Thank you. I'm glad it's not just me. I just have a bad feeling something will go wrong but I guess that is because of my anxiety. I can have them out with just local anaesthetic but it would be one at a time and the dentist at the hospital said it wouldn't be very pleasant for me. Il have to see what they say when I go back xxx

01-03-16, 17:49
Hi hun,
Have you had a general anaesthetic before? I had to have a minor operation in September and I had all the same fears as you.
I spoke to the anaesthetist who put me at ease, my operation was 5 minutes, I was under anaesthetic for 20, and was fully alert after 30 minutes.
To be fair, it's not a bad feeling, you can't fight it and you just drift into a deep sleep.
My anaesthetics told me he hasn't had anyone not wake up in his career.

01-03-16, 20:47
Thank you Tracey. Yeah I've had one before but my anxiety wasn't really that bad then. I know that's what everyone keeps saying but I keep thinking il be unlucky xxx

01-03-16, 21:20
Take it from me, I thought exactly the same, I sobbed my heart out, only reason I went through with op was because the pain I was in was so bad it was the only option.
I came round and felt great, lot less pain, alive and felt like I'd kicked another fear.
Do what's right for you but remember the fear is usually far worse than the actual experience.

01-03-16, 21:38
Thank you xx