View Full Version : Brain Tumour....again!

01-03-16, 16:28
So today I decided I had had enough of this headache that seems to have lasted for weeks and finally got an appointment at the doctors. I was determined that I wanted to go for an MRI or CT scan of my head to put this fear of a brain tumour to rest.
I got to the doctors and explained my symptoms and told her I was terrified of having a brain tumour, she did all the checks of my blood pressure, looked into my eyes, felt my neck and other things. Do these checks actually indicate a brain tumour/ are they enough for the doctor to say you definitely do not have one?
Anyway she said the headaches sounded more like a nerve thing? Then prescribed me a type of anti-depressant, well i am already on citalopram so i don't think these tablets will make a difference, apparently they help with nerve ache?
She said if the symptoms do not improve to go back in a few days. This appointment has not reassured me, I just want answers to why I have had a headache for weeks, why I feel dizzy and why it is making me so anxious all the time :( I keep expecting to have a seizure at any minute, like i am almost waiting for it to happen which is making me so anxious!!
Any suggestions or experience with these please comment, its making me crazy!!

03-03-16, 09:32

I'm having the same worry at the moment.
I don't have a head ache but I feel like i'm slightly dizzy and my focus is feeling a little weird. I am also expecting to have a seisure t any moment! I was watching a movie with my partner and he sneezed and I went into a panic attack thinking that the shock of the sneeze would bring on a seisure! (It didn't)

I am thinking about it all the time :weep:

A friend at work today asked me if I had lost weight and I freaked out thinking weight loss is a bad sign because I haven't been trying to loose weight. (I'm average weight anyway).

I just don't know how to stop...

10-03-16, 00:30
I've been getting weird headpains and eye problems.. Also dizziness, had check up with Dr he assured me all was well. I'm still worried.

10-03-16, 00:55
I have lots of eye disturbances and tingling and twitching and dizziness. I have had a clear ct as well as assurance from Drs that I do not have a tumor, yet I google and find instances where cts have missed tumors and keep myself constantly worried. I hate this cycle of worry! I have read several accounts of anxiety causing all of these symptoms so most likely your symptoms are due to anxiety as well!

10-03-16, 01:16
Any suggestions or experience with these please comment, its making me crazy!!

The title of your thread is: Brain Tumour...."again!"

That alone should be enough reassurance as you survived the first one! ;)

Positive thoughts

10-03-16, 01:26
I'm the same; dizziness, feeling off balance, eye problems, trouble focusing and convinced that I have a BT. Off to the Dr Friday. I guess it would be pretty unlikely that all of us with these same symptoms actually have a BT! I'm totally obsessed with my balance right now.